Monthly Archives: November 2006

Windows Vista released to Businesses

Today Microsoft released the business version of its new OS, Windows Vista. This is the first major OS update from M$ since Windows XP came out, so it’s been pretty widely anticipated. Vista sports a new look for windows, called Aero, and a lot of other cool features. Nobody I know is planning on upgrading just yet, and not just because the home and ultimate editions won’t be released until January 30th. I only have one friend saving to buy Vista, but everyone else I know just doesn’t care.

And don’t look at me, I’m happy with OS X.

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Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

I recently saw The Pick of Destiny with a bunch of friends, and I must say I was actually slightly disappointed. I’m a huge fan of Jack Black and his band Tenacious D, but the movie was just not as good as I had hoped it would be. I really liked the beginning and the rock training, but after they officially form and name the band (I love the ass mark scene) there are very few good parts, the highlights being the shroom scene and the break-in. The duel with Satan was great, and the very end was awesome if you liked the song Tribute, which I did. The drama about their breakup and getting back together seemed like drama for drama’s sake, and didn’t add to the story at all, same with the car chase.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a great movie. It just didn’t accomplish what I expected of it.

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Happy Gobblz!

Happy Turkeyday, my friends! 😀 I’m in Connecticut with my extended family until saturday, but I’ve got my computer and a WiFi connection, so I might post about the Tenacious D movie I saw yesterday… ’twas awesome. 😉

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Updated Release Stuff

I’ve updated my various Maj Release galleries, plus I added a Wii gallery, you can check them out here:

And I added more footage for the PS3 and Zune over at Youtube:


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Wii Release

Today Nintendo released the Wii, their fifth generation video game console, and the final console in the current generation lineup. Best Buy didn’t have one on display (apparently their demo kiosk was broken or something), so I didn’t get to try one out. I did get some photos of the game rack and the Legend Of Zelda: The Twilight Princess box. Oh well, a bit disappointing. Speaking of which, the console’s specs are a tad on the low side, but the $250 price tag looks mighty fine next to the PS3’s $500 minimum.

The Wii’s claim to fame is its revolutionary controller design. It is based (I don’t know why I’m saying this, if you are interested in this you already know this) on a TV remote, but is completely motion-sensitive. There’s a “sensor bar” which is placed on top of your TV, and it can detect where all the Wii controllers (or “Wiimotes”, as they’ve been dubbed) are at once. They also have force feedback and a built-in speaker, which is pretty cool, plus it’s extendable (with extensions like the “nunchuck,” a joystick held in the left hand which is connected by a wire to the wiimote).

Well, I’ll post more (and pix) when I get a chance to play one myself. 🙂 Happy gaming to those of you who got one!

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Casino Royale Released

I went and saw the new Bond movie today, and despite the fact that it had a new actor as Bond, and payed no attention to some of the classic traditions of the Bond films, it was pretty good.

First of all, it doesn’t start with the revolver barrel-POV-shot like every single other Bond movie does, but it does explain where that actually comes from about 3 minutes into the movie, and then it shows it, so that tradition is partially upheld.

The second tradition smashed is the usage of the Bond Song. You know the one I mean. It’s used twice in the whole movie, at the very beginning and very end. Not cool, man. Not cool. That song needs to be weaved in every time Bond does something kickass.

The third tradition is the Girls. There are 2 girls in the whole movie (average number, yes), but one is a serious relationship (not that I’m promoting objectifying women or anything) and the other dies less than halfway through the movie. Actually, they both…nah, that’s a spoiler! 😀 But anyway, there’s very little action on the shallow-minded romantic front, which is a main theme of the Bond movies.

I must give them credit for the kick-ass parkour-style chase scene at the beginning. That ruled.

Oh and destroying that AM was not cool, guys. It did not deserve that death…

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PlayStation 3 Release

Today, Sony’s third generation video game console was released. And what a beast it is. I went to Best Buy to try it out, and got some pictures and a video.

Let me just say this. Wow. And I mean that totally sincerely. Wow. I expected it to be amazing (well, with a $500 core model and $600 full, it pretty much has to be), but this is ridiculous. The graphical quality is freakin’ amazing. It looks insanely photorealistic. The images it produces on the fly are like images pre-rendered by Pixar or something. I feel like I’m preaching here, but I really believe this stuff.

The new controller design (as in, redesigned l2/r2 buttons) is awesome. I really like the trigger-style buttons. They move much faster and more fluidly.

I took some photos of it at Best Buy, go to this gallery to check ’em out.

And here’s the video I took (pardon the quality, youtube ruins movies…):

(check out this photo for an idea of what the footage actually looked like)

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Zune Pix

Took a visit to Best Buy today, snapped a few pix of the brown Zune they had on display there. I have to say, the brown looks good in person, and I totally forgot about the FM tuner in my first Zune post. Woops!

Two annoying things about Best Buy’s PMP stand:

  1. All the PMPs were completely strapped down, unlike before when they were on cables so you could pick them up and stuff.
  2. None of them have headphones, so I couldn’t tell if the Zune really does have higher audio quality or not.
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Zune Release

Today Microsoft released the first version of its PMP (Portable Media Player), the Zune. Supposedly M$’s “iPod Killer,” the Zune costs $250 and comes in 3 “colors”: Black, White, and (get this) Brown. Those are some colors there, yup…I could make a whole freakin’ rainbow of Zunes. It comes equipped with WiFi, but (for some reason, most likely legal) you cannot use it to transmit music to it from your computer, and you cannot use it to buy music from M$’s online music store.

What can you use it for? Trading music from other Zunes (The 3/3 deal though: you can either listen to the song 3 times or keep it for 3 days before it deletes itself, whichever happens first), trade pictures from other Zunes, or synch it with your 360 (score keeping, friends’ statuses from Live, etc). It’s one of the largest wastes of money I’ve seen so far. Why bother making customers pay more for a Zune with WiFi, when the WiFi doesn’t even do anything useful yet? I would release a cheaper, smaller Zune (which maybe costs less than the iPod, its rival, and therefore sell more?) that has the same features as the iPod Video (plus the larger screen, more customization features, and sadly yes, larger color selection…), while they worked on developing that WiFi a bit more so it could do PC syncing and wireless music purchasing. But that’s most likely a problem with the RIAA, not M$. Stupid RIAA.

But for all the good things about the Zune, its software looks horrible. Check out Engadget’s review for more information on that front. I don’t plan on buying one any time soon ever.

Oh and I should mention the Zune ad campaign, most of which sucks (“Welcome to the social” is not English, folks!), but this site has many of the TV ads and posters (or maybe they’re just concepts? I’m not sure) that are actually good. Watch the one with the robot and the two birds one, as they are the best.

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Influx of Readers

My WordPress chart showing the people reading my blog jumped up a while ago when I got 133 visitors in one day, and the chart has been marked off in increments of 40 ever since then, but usually the first number is 2 and the next is 42, and today it starts at 8 and goes to 48. I’ve gotten 17 unique views today, not including me, and that’s pretty much the lowest it’s been in a while. What’s attracting people to my blog? I’m not sure, since nobody ever comments. But apparently it’s this:
naruto hat

I get at least two people google searching for that every day that end up here, so maybe posting this picture again will get me more hits 😛

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