Monthly Archives: June 2007

iPhone is out, world still standing

So the iPhone is officially out. People out there have one. People out there have 2, but that’s the most you’re allowed to buy, so yeah. The “first” unboxing video is this:

Cool stuff., apparently. Yeah, I’m ΓΌber-jealous. And I’m on the Cape now, so I don’t even get to see one of these suckers up close until the 9th. Goddamn. I wonder if there’s a Cingular AT&T store around here somewhere…

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iDay (Guess which phone comes out today?)

So yeah, in about an hour (here on the East Coast, at least…it’s being released at 6 PM local time) the iPhone will be unleashed upon the masses. Reports of what the lines are like are somewhat disappointing, the longest being The Cube in New York at about 200 people (The Cube is the 5th Ave. Apple store). There’s some buzz about who’s in line in different cities, for instance the Mayor of Philadelphia is waiting in line, fully decked in his rain poncho and a fold-out chair. The Woz is #1 in line wherever he is, and apparently there’s a troupe of circus people with a mini golf rig in line in San Fransisco (No, the prize is not an iPhone).

iTunes 7.3 was released earlier today, adding iPhone support, since it’ll be managed like an iPod…I took the liberty of constructing a paper iPhone which I think does justice to the real thing:

No, I’m not buying an iPhone, I can’t pull off $599 at the moment. Plus the data plan, and I’m completely screwed over. Oh well. I did take the liberty of laughing at each Sprint and Verizon store as I walked past them today to check out the line at our AT&T store. There was actually a little 5 person line outside it! πŸ˜€ Made me feel so cool.

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How to Unify Firefox (On Mac) (More Details)

Ok so after some prodding on my dad’s part, I’ve decided to (try to) show everyone how to unify their Firefoxes like I have.

First off, if you’re not using a mac, you’re on your own. I’m almost positive the base skin I start with is not windows-compatible, so you’re screwed.

So here’s the grand list of all modifications I’ve made to Firefox:

  • The base theme to install: GrApple (UNO). This gives you the basic Safari buttons and everything.
  • The contents of my UserChrome.css are here (just save that file to ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/xxxxxx.default/chrome).
  • Place these 3 images in the above folder:

  • Place this search plugin in the ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/xxxxxx.default/searchplugins folder. This adds the Google Image Search plugin to the searchbar, and hopefully uses the magnifying glass as it’s icon…
  • Install Fission (for the address bar loading, safari-style) and Stop-or-Reload Button (to swap the stop and reload buttons, safari-style).

If you do all of the above, you should get my unified Firefox. I also did a few things in the about:config window, but they were all performance things. Check it out

So try it out (at your own risk), and tell me if something is broken! πŸ˜€

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Firefox Unification: Complete

Firefox UNO complete

That, my friends, is an image of Firefox. I took it about a minute ago. Firefox Unification is now complete, as I figured out how to skin the tab bar. It required a third image, but hey, it looks fricken’ sweet.

I will probably continue modding it, get that active tab more blended, remove that tab bar menu, but it’s completely unified now. πŸ™‚

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Happy Birthday, Eve!

Today (June 27th, 2007) is the one-year anniversary of Eve’s arrival! Yay! Since then I’ve had a ton of fun with her, and I worked out most of the problems. I’m a total machead now, thanks to her.

Sadly, she’s showing her age a bit…I have a bit of degradation where my right palm always rests, the ‘open’ button on the front is no longer shiny, and the bottom is as scratched as hell. I still love her. I cleaned off her screen today πŸ™‚

Anyway, happy birthday Eve, and many more!

Oh, and here’s a picture of her in her natural environment πŸ™‚

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Leopard Videos

The developers who were at the WWDC received beta copies of OS X Leopard, so they could start developing for it. Some developers were good, and kept it to themselves. Others released screenshots that they weren’t supposed to. Others actually released the OS itself onto the internet.

This guy decided to post some videos of it in action. You can see Spaces, Time Machine, Stacks, the new screensavers (cool stuff), and a lot more.

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Wow, I somehow missed my blog’s 2nd Birthday…It was June 19th, so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, A SERIES OF TUBES!

I just realized (while typing that), that my blog has gone through 3 names since I started it back in ’05: First was Myst Otaku, meaning Myst Fanboy. Otaku is a derogative term for fanboy in Japanese, but I liked how it sounded πŸ™‚ The second was Love, Live, and Linux, a short list of all the good things in the world that are free. I hardly ever use Linux any more, so I decided to change it to A Series of Tubes, which is what it’s stayed as. I wonder what it will be by June 19th 2008?

Plus, holy crap. Has it really been 2 years?! That’s freaky. I’m the only one of my friends who still writes on their original blog (yeah, it’s moved around a lot, but I’ve moved all the posts with me each time, so it’s the same blog in essence). It’s a pretty weird thing to think about. 2 years. Wow.


New Header

I’ve replaced the header here (which was those sepia branches) with a new randomized header. It randomly selects one of five or six images (all of which were taken by me :3) and puts it up there. I think it’s pretty snazzy.


Cleaning Out the Bookmarks Menu

In preparation for Eve’s 1st birthday (this Wednesday), I’ve been doing some cleaning up. One stage of that is getting all my programs to match (thus the craziness with skin modification in Firefox, etc.). Another part of the cleaning was wiping out all the stuff I never use from my bookmarks menu in Firefox. Before cleaning, the menu almost touched the bottom on my 1680×1050 monitor, and had one of those scrollies on my 1400×900. Now that I cleaned it out, I have 10 items on the list, and 2 folders. Impressive, I think.

Speaking of bookmarks I never use any more, anyone know what happened to Chugworth, the awesome webcomic I used to check loyally daily? It’s been down for like a month but I’m reluctant to remove it from my bar because I love it so much…

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How to Unify Firefox (On Mac)

If you want to have my unified Firefox (as discussed in my previous post):

  • Install GrApple (UNO).
  • Put this file in your Chrome folder (in ~/Library/App Support/Firefox/Profiles/XXXXXX.default/chrome):
  • Place the following files in the chrome folder:
  • This should give you a nice unified Firefox πŸ™‚
    (Note: Since I haven’t gotten the whole tab bar thing worked out yet, it helps to just disable the tab bar if only one tab is open. This can be done from the prefs for Firefox)

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