Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

I recently saw The Pick of Destiny with a bunch of friends, and I must say I was actually slightly disappointed. I’m a huge fan of Jack Black and his band Tenacious D, but the movie was just not as good as I had hoped it would be. I really liked the beginning and the rock training, but after they officially form and name the band (I love the ass mark scene) there are very few good parts, the highlights being the shroom scene and the break-in. The duel with Satan was great, and the very end was awesome if you liked the song Tribute, which I did. The drama about their breakup and getting back together seemed like drama for drama’s sake, and didn’t add to the story at all, same with the car chase.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a great movie. It just didn’t accomplish what I expected of it.

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