Monthly Archives: October 2006

Myst V on Intel Part Deux

Well I tried reinstalling Myst V on my Macbook Pro again, just for the hell of it. To my surprise, it actually worked. No patches, nothing, it just installed using Rosetta. This means, of course, that it is as slow as hell, and practically not worth playing. But still, it did install. Maybe it’s the 10.4.8 upgrade that did it. Who knows?

So yeah, if you haven’t tried to install Myst V since the jump to 10.4.8 from 4.7, try it now because I’m pretty sure it will work.

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Mitt Romney Thinks I’m Smrt

I just got my MCAS results back, and I’m all advanced. That’s in Writing, Reading, ‘Rithmatic, and R’science and engineering. Pretty cool, methinks.


My Mac

Today I cleaned my Macbook Pro’s screen for the first time, a suprisingly fun and enriching experience. I visited the Apple store and on impulse bought a pack of iKlear travel thingies for $15, and tried them out at home. I discovered that what I considered to be my normal screen was actually covered in dust, fingerprints, and little spots from flecks of hyper cousins and others drooling over my computer. I can honestly say that my screen is now brighter and shinier (which actually means something with a glossy screen). It was very fun to watch the dust and fingerprints magically disappear…

On a more depressing note, Apple recently released Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook Pros, meaning yes….my computer is outdated. Oh well, I am usually running at less than 20% of my Core Duo’s full capacity (thats 20% on each core, meaning actually 40%…), I don’t know what I’d do with a 64 bit version of my computer…still, the new airport card would be nice, as well as the bigger hard drive and faster superdrive…


Happy Birthday, iPod!

Today, 5 years ago, the iPod was first introduced by Steve Jobs. It was meant to become (and did a very good job becoming) the market leader for portable music. It’s so strange to watch this video and listen to His Steveness say “iPod” instead of “The iPod,” and see what stone-age technology was available before the iPod. Funniest to watch, however, is the crowd’s stony silence as the iPod is announced. What a contrast to today, when a new product announcement by Apple is met with a huge applause. The iPod really was Apple’s modern ticket to ride, I guess.

Original iPod Announcement


Also of intrest are the videos of the OS X announcement back in January 2000:

Part One


Part Two


Part Three


Very cool Apple stuff.

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Power Cord Blues

The Magsafe power adapter for my Macbook Pro recently started breaking. By breaking, I mean the rubber split, the insulation was falling out, and the little copper wires were fraying. Obviously, this was very concerning, since exposed power cords are dangerous, and the fraying meant that charging my computer would be a lot harder than it was before.
magsafe? maghazard.
Day 2 of the damage. By today, day 5, the cord looked a lot worse than this.
Yes, that is Winnie the Pooh on that shelf. 😉

Well, I worked for a while with the incision in the cable, twisting it and pushing the electrical tape I put on it to get it to charge, but last night it just wouldn’t charge. Well, I went the night and until 4:00 today computerless, with my precious Uru disc stuck inside, and then finally went to the Apple store to get a new one. My computer is still covered by the warranty, and luckily they (after some persuasion) exchanged the adapter for a new one, free of charge. So now I have a brand new power adapter that works like a charm.

The only thing worrying me now is what I should do to prevent this from happening again. I know it wasn’t my fault that the cord stopped working, and the Apple Guy seemed to be of the opinion that it was bad wiring that caused it to break. Still, I don’t want it to break again. If it does, though…I’ll be ready.


School Bans Tag

A school in Boston (not far from my home) has banned tag, touch football, and other chase games for fear of the kids getting hurt during recess and suing the school. This means that these kids have next to no chance of actually learning anything during recess. A common misconception is that kids don’t ever learn anything during recess, but this is when social skills develop, and if they aren’t allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, how will they learn the lessons not taught in school? This is just one more way we are becoming more and more sheltered, moving closer and closer to a ‘utopia’ like presented in The Giver and other such stories. Way to go, Boston.

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Macintosh SE

Today I was out buying a costume from a store when I saw a Macintosh SE lying on a pile of garbage bags. Being the computer enthusiast I am, I grabbed it and took it home. Even if it didn’t actually work (Why would it? Who would throw out a perfectly good Macintosh SE?), it would still be really cool to have it.
When I got it home and plugged it in, lo and behold it turned on! Yeah. It was really cool. Not as dramatic as the startup noise of modern Macs, but the little “bing” is awesome all the same. I couldn’t actually do anything with it, since it didn’t have a mouse or keyboard, and the Macintosh mouse and keyboard I have don’t work with it. The trash can icon is full, I wonder whats in it…does anyone know where I can get a keyboard and mouse for an SE?
Also, for the fun of it, I took a picture with the SE next to Eve, my Macbook Pro. It’s very cool.

Click to enlarge

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New Theme (again), K2

I’ve changed my blog’s theme yet again. this time to the brand new K2 Lite. I like it, and I’m working on a custom header image. 🙂 Comments?

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Happy Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th, and in October to top it off! Sorry I haven’t been posting that much lately, school has been keeping me pretty busy…Oh well, I’ll post again if I get the chance. Here’s a bit of negative space work I did for an anonymous client. Ain’t it awesome?

click to enlarge

It’s a Y and an A, if you couldn’t tell. And it’s using 2 point perspective. Uhhh…Yeah.

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Well, it’s Yom Kippur again, and being part Jewish I figured “what the hell, I’ll fast this year”. Well, now I’m paying the consequences. I’m really, really, freaking, hungry. Then again, DI is Muslim, and he’s in Ramadan right now. He’s been fasting for a week now, I think.

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