Monthly Archives: April 2007

AnimeBoston 07 (Photos)

I’ve uploaded my photos to the Intertubes and made a Tabblo out of them. After deleting the really blurry ones and the duplicates, I really didn’t take that many photos…This is just a tiny taste of what was there. 🙂

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AnimeBoston 07 (After) (Not An Apology, GASP!)

So I had a great time at AnimeBoston today, the final day. I spent almost the whole day there hanging out with my friend-for-life Jamie and my anime club friend Joyce 🙂 Fun times. I didn’t buy much (I regret this. -.-), but what I did get is awesome:

  • 2 buttons from different ppl:
    schwag 1
    (The left is an Invader Zim pin from Snafu Comics, and the right is a Katamari “This is how I roll” pin from Staccato)
  • A tiny, scribbly sketch of Invader Zim (seeing a theme? I like Zim…) done for $1 by a woman who offered me a sketch and pocky for a dollar. I didn’t catch her name or website, so no link mystery lady! Sorry!
    schwag 2
  • And lastly (I told you I didn’t get much), an awesome shirt:
    schwag 3
    It says “Adobe ate my soul!” 🙂

All in all, it was a great con. Oh and here are the business cards I picked up, or those thrust upon me by girl-type artists (and some others) 🙂
And the back of the same:



And the back:


“I assure you, it’s a full color webcomic” <-must have heard this at least 7 times as I walked past that last guy's table... I shall post my (small amount of) pictures tomorrow! 😀

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AnimeBoston 07 (Apology #2)

Sorry, I didn’t go to AnimeBoston today. If you were looking for me, and couldn’t find me, I’m sorry! I’ll definitely be there tomorrow, though I probably won’t be wearing my awesome-tastic shirt, since I’ve worn it for a day and half now and it is probably not fit for public wearing…Oh well, the pinkish hair and big ‘ZIB REDLEKTAB’ badge make me stand out I guess 😛

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Having a MyBook is Awesome!

Last night, my computer warned me that my startup disk was almost full, with 2gb remaining. I plugged in my MyBook 320gb, and within 20 minutes I had freed up 26gb of space, a quarter of the hard drive. All by dragging files to the MyBook. Simple as that. This thing is really a life-saver…


AnimeBoston 07 (Apology)

I forgot to bring my camera to the convention, so I’m a sad panda today. Oh well, I’ll bring it along tomorrow. I’ll be wearing my awesome Mooninite shirt!

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Go MS-Hatin' Open-Source-Lovin' Chinese-Speech-Crasher Man!

Apparently a protester crashed Bill Gates’ speech in China today, with a sign that said ‘Free Software, Open Source!’. This guy is awesome. He was ‘tackled by security’ and ‘taken away for questioning’. Oh well, he’ll probably never see the outside of a jail cell for a couple of years, but he’s still awesome.

Check it out on Engadget

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AnimeBoston 07 (Before)

I’ll be heading over to AnimeBoston later today, so if you see a guy wearing a Heartless shirt with pinkish/purplish/bluish hair and jeans, it’s probably me 🙂

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Uru Pod Series Ends, Other Stuff Too!

Last night the fourth and final pod in the Uru Pod Series was opened to the public. It’s called Tetsonot and seems to be broken. It’s way under the ocean, and it seems to be flooding. The bottom floor is up to my knees in water, and the power is emergency lights only. The whole place is very creepy, and very much like Stoneship. The other pods were Negilahn (a forest), Dereno (an arctic environment), and Payiferen (a desert). As much fun as they all are, there only seems to be one thing to do in them, which is to wait for a portal to appear and jump through it. So while it’s great to have the new content, many people have become restless and want larger ages.

There was another subtle update for uru on mac, which is that the mac client now supports widescreen resolutions! That means I can run it at my computer’s native resolution, and it looks awesome. Still no windowed mode support, but Uru is looking better than ever.

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Cafepress Not ALL Bad…

More news from the ‘Someone set us up the bomb!’ T-shirt v. Cafepress battle! See the previous post for filling in on what this battle is.

Cafepress is shipping my shirts! 😀 That means that they actually took my order, and I’ll get my shirt. Happy times for all! Well, just me I guess, since the store is still down, pretty much for good…So you guys can’t buy one (yet, I’m still researching ways of making this plausible), but at least I have one…

One idea is to print it on some iron-on stuff and just buy a black t-shirt and iron it on. I don’t really know how that stuff works, but I assume it wouldn’t come out horrible…

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Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb!

I finally made a Mooninite Bomb Scare t-shirt. I got the idea for this back when the bomb scare actually happened, but I hadn’t gotten around to it until just now. It’s $19.99, and one dollar of that goes directly to my wallet :D! If you enjoy A Series of Tubes, you should buy one! Maybe eventually (if they’re popular) I can lower the price, but for now that’s the least I can charge. Oh well! 🙂

UPDATE: Good news and bad news. Good news is that I added women’s shirts to the store! Now the ladies can have Mooninite goodness too! The bad news is The Man has shut down the store for violating the Cafepress terms of use (aka, putting a picture of a copywrited character on a shirt)! I really hope I can find somewhere else to host this, and that anyone who ordered a shirt before gets it (mainly me, I doubt anyone else bought one)…Sorry everyone! Here’s the image that was on the shirt to keep you entertained (It’s a transparent PNG with white text, so chances are you won’t see the text at the bottom unless you save it and open it with some other program):

Click to see the image (Careful, it’s a biggun’)

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