Monthly Archives: September 2006

New Look

As I promised DI, I changed my theme for my blog. Since he stole mine. Grrr…


Missouri in Google Earth

If you look at Missouri in Google Earth, from an angle where you can see the whole state, it looks like it tiles. It’s very strange. Check it out:

Click the image to enlarge it

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This blog (as in, the blog at this URL, not including its past incarnations) has had exactly 2500 views total since its opening. Woohoo! My top day had 73 people viewing the blog.

…Leave more comments, you people. I’ll post a comment on your blog if you leave one here!

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Ultimatum to the Island Sherry

On this day, September the 24th of 2006, at 10:15 pm, I, the Benevolent Overlord of Zibland, declare my supreme rule over the Island Sherry (being located in Lake Superior, which shall hereby be known as Lake Zib, at a location of 46°40’24.72″N 84°43’30.02″W), and do hereby claim the island for the nation of Zibland. Any residents currently living on the Island Sherry are hereby warned that they should evacuate the island within one week of this Ultimatum, or they shall be faced with the Army of Zibland (consisting at the moment of a General and a Private and me). They are warned, however, that they will be given the option of becoming citizens of Zibland, and would not be forced to leave the island. Failure to comply with this order will result in being forcibly removed from the Island Sherry. Returning to the Zibland after being banished will result in up to 3 months in jail. You have until October the First to make your choice. WE MARCH ON THE 1ST!

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Happy Holidays

Happy Rosh Hashannah to my fellow Jews out there, and Happy start-of-Ramadan (which is probably horribly misspelled) to all the Muslims out there! Christians…uh…happy Sunday. 🙂 Is it right to wish people a happy Ramadan? It’s like a month long tho…and the purpose is to know how poor people live, i guess…which is kind of depressing, so it’s not really a happy holiday, right? I don’t know, I’ll ask my Islam Expert about all that. Unless someone else thinks they can explain it better…

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Happy Birthday, :-)

Today in 1982, at this time exactly, Scott E. Fahlman invented the emoticon. He created the first emoticons, 🙂 and :-(. Their original purpose was to show which messages on a forum were serious and which were jokes, where joking messages would have 🙂 and serious ones wouldn’t. Happy birthday, :-)!

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International Space Station Renovations

If I’m to believe this video, then the renovations that the ISS is/was/will be undergoing are huge. Look at how they start off that video (which details the construction process of the additions), and then how they end it. The space station is gigantic by the end, more than twice as big as how it started off. And what’s with all the shifting of parts? Why don’t they add them on in the order they’re going to be in, instead of going all higgelty-piggelty (first time I’ve ever used that phrase) and end up having to move everything around before the end? Some of this stuff makes no sense to me…

Also, while we’re on the topic of the ISS, check out this picture. Be careful, it’s really, really big. That’s the sun, with the shillouette of the ISS being built on blocking a tiny, tiny bit.


Paper Cuts

Peter Callesen’s paper cut-outs are amazing. They are so detailed, it’s incredible. For other cool stuff like this, check out Wohba!

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The Zib is Back in School

(To the tune of the chorus of The Boys are Back in Town, by Thin Lizzy)

Well. Back in school. Again. New school now, though. No more kid stuff 😛 So far, the pros and cons:


  • Open Campus – Definitely a good point here, after second semester we get open campus. Yeah that’s right. We can go anywhere we want in the entire world during unscheduled time. Including lunch. BOO-ya!
  • Anywhere For Lunch – Before open campus, we get to eat our lunches anywhere on campus, from right next to the lunch line to the quad all the way out to the border of the furthest reaches of the campus. My favorite spot as of the first 2 days: The quad. More on the quad later.
  • Awesome Math Teacher – My math teacher just plain rules. He really loves his job, and is always extremely hyper. He talks really fast and has trouble with names, and has a coffee machine on his desk. Did I mention he’s my homeroom teacher as well? Well, he is. HE RULES.
  • Awesome English Teacher – My english teacher is also awesome. He’s funny and likes to make fun of himself and his odd habbits and hand movements.
  • Huge Building – For a lot of people this is a downside, but I personally love running through the halls of the huge building of my new school trying to find classes. It’s just great. And a map? Who needs a map?! I’ve used one so far (to find the cafeteria) and asked for directions twice (homeroom and the Unified Arts building), but other than that I’ve avoided help so I can learn my way around better.

There are many other great features about this school, but I don’t have enough space to write about everything, so I’ll stop here.


  • Boring Physics/History Teachers – Nothing’s perfect. It turns out that what I gained in the math and english departments I lost in science and history. Science dude appears to like Trig a lot, and has been assigning us homework like ‘how fast is the Moon moving?’ Not to mention keeping us 10 minutes into Study Hall…History dude is kind of strange, and a little jittery. He might turn out OK though, who knows?
  • Hardly any Classes With Friends – I have Math with two friends and Physics with one (but there are assigned seats there), and various study halls with others, but all in all I’m lacking a lot of my friends all day.
  • Health and Fitness – I don’t actually mind this class, I know I need to excersize more, but I wish I had it first semester instead of Study Hall in first and then Health and Fitness second. That means I get less Off-Campus time. (Because you don’t have to do Study Hall, you can trade it for other classes or just unschedule them. Of course, it’s a trade-off because you get to do your homework in them)

That’s all I can think of at the moment. If I think of more, I’ll update this post! 🙂


FTP Issues

I’m trying to get ProFTPd to limit one of my users to just a certain directory (/var/www/ftp), but no matter what i do it keeps putting me in their home directory on the system (/home/foo). I’ve reinstalled proftpd, so I have the absolute basic installation, plus 2 users (me and a friend, not the one i want to use)

Can someone either guide me through this or point me at a good tutorial on how to do it, please? 🙁

Oh I should mention that I am a sudoer on this system, which is running ubuntu 6.06 lts. I use bash. Uhh…oh I’m using ssh to do all this. That’s about it! 🙂

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