Monthly Archives: June 2006

Blog Stats

Well, I’m looking around my Blog stats, and according to WordPress, some people are actually reading my blog! (The masses gasp a collective gasp of amazement) *GASP!*

I’ve gotten 2 comments from peopl I don’t know which aren’t spam, that’s a sign right there. Also, apparently 12 people have viewed this blog today. 12 different people, not including me. It says that 7 people have read my feed today, I guess that’s mainly people I know, but still.

I also took a look at my search terms stats, and it seems that a lot of people get here by searching for some combination of the words Myst, Linux, and/or Uru. If you want GrunchKev’s Uru for Linux site, then is the address to look at. If you’re just looking for a site which likes Linux, Myst, and all other good things in life, then stay here. : )

Ooh I got another idea, though this might fail. If you read this blog, post a comment on this post! 😛

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Spam, Spam, Spam, Spammity-Spaaam!

Ok you spambots, this is war. From now on all comment-posters must be approved by me before posting anything. All comments with more than 1 link are held in moderation. I’ve turned on a spam filter.

Click to listen!


Adium X Sucks. I miss Trilly!

Ok I’ve been using Adium X for a day now and I already hate it. You can’t nest folders, you can’t rename buddies, some buddies refuse to be moved to other folders, and it doesn’t have any extra emotes. On the plus side, it supports Gtalk. Other than that, Trillian beats it by far.

Does anyone know of another app that’s Mac-compatable and has those features? (Or at least supports renaming buddies?)

Update: Thank you to Justin who suggested that I try Fire, I love it so far. It lacks substantial emotes, but aliasing works fine and buddies stay where I put ’em. Nesting folders doesn’t work, but I’m ok without them. Thanks, Justin!

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Setting Up Eve

Eve is now a fully operatable machine. She’s been configured correctly, I’ve installed all my instant messengers (for all its features, Adium X lacks sufficient emoticons, it (like my arch-nemisis, GAIM) uses the standard for whatever client you’re messaging in. Oh well, I only use 😛 anyway.

My friend DI left me in charge of his computer while he’s away, and that includes his monitor. I did what any geek with an extra monitor would do, and rigged a dual-monitor setup. It’s great, except for a few hitches. One is placement. The monitor can only go as low as about 3 inches off the ground, so I turned it on its side to match better. Also, the monitor is actually smaller than my laptop screen (the laptop being 15.4 inches diagonally and the monitor only being 14), and has a lower resolution (my laptop screen is 1440×900 and the monitor is only 768×1024 (turned on its side)), resulting in strangely enlarged windows. Oh well, it’s still great.

As for the overheating problems with MacBooks of the Professional variety, so far I’ve only experienced minor overheating, nothing that makes it unusable, though. The caps lock key is annoying, though. It’s larger than is standard, I think, resulting in a lot of capital letters when I want A’s. Oh well, I’ll get used to it.

A few things I like about the computer are FrontRow and GarageBand. GB is one of the reasons I bought a mac, I love the ability to write music with little loops and clips of other instruments. I haven’t done anything phenominal yet, but I’m working. FrontRow was an added treat. It’s like going to the movie trailers page on, but without all the frivilous stuff. I haven’t tried watching any real movies yet or looking at photos, but I bet they’ll be just as good. The remote is awesome, I love it 🙂

The tiny camera at the top is remarkably high quality, and comes with some effects that are very nice, the distorts especially. Comic Life (which I hadn’t even heard of before) is very fun, it allows you to make comics and stuff, providing you with the boxes as well as speech bubbles that stretch and that kind of thing. Very nice.

That pretty much sums up everything I’ve done up to this point. Overall, a great buy. Well worth the money. 🙂

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Eve is Here!

My new MacBook Pro (which I’ve named Eve, keep reading) 15.4 inch is here. After travelling through China, Alaska, and Indiana (not to mention Western Massachusetts), it is finally where it belongs.

Why the name? Two reasons. One: Adam and Eve? Eve is the one that takes the apple? Apple computer? Get it? Har. Two: AppleGeeks. In the comic, Hawk (the protagonist), created a robot girlfriend powered by an iPod named Eve, and since Eve kicks 4$$, I figured that the name fit. 😛


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I recently installed StumbleUpon (which is great, once you’ve rated some pages), and while stumbling around the Typorganism ASCII-O-Matic was suggested. This thing is great, it lets you upload a photo (sadly it has to be a 60 x 50 jpg, and the colors get a bit messed up) and then choose text or squares, color or b&w, and then it generates the image in ASCII art. It truely is amazing.

I gave it this picture:

(that’s Buddy Christ, for those of you who can’t tell)

And it gave me this:

It even generates the html for you! 😀


The Comfy Chair Poster

While on the Apple trailers page (zomg Clerks 2), I came across this poster:

And I couldn’t help laughing out loud. I opened up the trusty Gimp and spent about an hour crafting this:

😛 For those of you who don’t get it, please watch some Monty Python. It’s the Spanish Inquisition (whom nobody expects). Their main instrument of torture is The Comfy Chair (dun dun dun), so I had to make this picture….

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Anthem Of My Friends’ Parents

We are teenagers, we need the freedom to do what we want. We are nerds, we need unrestricted access to our computers and the internet. We are boys and gamers, we need to party and we need soda, games, and 24 hours to do so with.

This is my message to my friends’ parents, in response to Cutter’s parents’ being completely…ignorant, to say the least. Read his latest post, and understand his predicament. His parents promised him a party (his parties kick ass, except when his parents make us go to sleep at 1) if he helped set up the graduation party. He did that, and spent all day doing that. Then he had to stay at the party (until 11:30), even after all his friends left (I wasn’t there). By that point there was no point since it would only be an hour and a half until the parents put them to bed. A day wasted doing something he didn’t want to do.

Then, to top it off, his parents lock the door to his basement (where his computer is) the next day. They seem to have this idea that if they don’t let him near his computer, he’ll stop wanting to use it and do better on his homework. Except that by doing that it makes it so that any time he gets near a computer, schoolwork gets shoved to the back and he uses it for whatever the hell he’d be doing if he could be on the computer like a normal person, resulting in no improvement in grades (no offence to Cutter, that’s my opinion there).

This isn’t even as bad as my friend Matt. His parents are extremely strict. He isn’t allowed to drink (real) soda, or eat (good) food (meaning stuff that isn’t organic and naturally flavored), he’s not even allowed to walk home from school. He has an iPod Nano (the first one I ever saw), but his parents always have it because he’s being punished for something or another. He doesn’t have internet access anymore because he’s being punished. He has a RAZR, but when his mom dropped hers in a lagoon she took his for 2 weeks to replace hers before she got her own. He’s starting to rebel though. He wears his hair long now, drinks a coke a day, and (since I showed him how) ignores calls from his mom on his cell :P. He gets yelled at a lot, but I’m proud of him. I don’t like his parents much. 😛

DI’s parents are cool, and so are Noah’s (if a bit oblivious to his true violent nature :P). But still…My parents kick all their butts. Tee hee.


My Laptop is WHERE?!

I’m watching the shipping page on FedEx (practically 24/7…Look, I graduated. What do you want for nothing?!), and my MacBook (still no name yet, but someone suggested a good one…Now if only I could remember it) has officially been to more cool places than I have. It came from China (I’ve never left North America), and is now in Anchorage, Alaska (which is more Northern than I have ever been). To get here, it will have to cross the Canadian Border…That’s so cool. I envy my laptop now 😛

I have a feeling I’m going to get it on Tuesday the 27th 🙂

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Wake me up when September ends

Well, my friend Darth Imperios left for Malaysia today, and is staying there until September 5th. 🙁 Well, have fun DI! I’ll take good care of your computer, no worries 😛

(Speaking of which, I still don’t have my computer yet… 🙁 )
