Monthly Archives: July 2005

Shoe Wars

This site is no where near completion, but it already looks awesome.


Shitty Bum

This movie is so awesome. it has the words “Shitty Bum” in it, so I wouldn’t suggest showing it to your little brother, but the effects in it are so well done, it’s a must see for anyone else.


Platitude update

Platitude v 1.0 is now available for the mac. (Or it will be soon!)



Hey everyone (no one),
Ned Batchelder just released version 1 of Platitude, a program for making lattice drawings. I think it’s a very handy program.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

Ok, this game is good. It’s a Star Wars based RPG that takes place 4000 bby (before the battle of yavin), when the sith are at their greatest. They have supposedly wiped out all the jedi, except you. You are a Jedi exile, exiled for joinin Revan during the Mandalorian wars. The game is good for a normal game, and great for an RPG. There are only 3 complaints I have:

  1. Sometimes the game will stop showing shots of other characters, meaning you have to keep talking to them until they shut up, then read the journal entry to see what they answered. Meaning you could accidently gain dark side points.
  2. On one level, during cutscenes the doors close too quickly, locking a character from the cutscene in the room with you. This causes problems because some characters are only programmed to talk to you twice, once during the cutscene and once later. So if you talk to them right after the cutscene (while they are still inside), another cutscene will begin, which will be glitchy cause it isn’t in the right location, then when you get to where you’re supposed to talk to the guy again, he isn’t there. I had to restart the game.\
  3. The ends of some levels are ridiculosly hard. For example: the Tank Droid on Telos, and the Sith Assasin attack at the Mandalorian Camp.

Other than that, I love this game. 8/10.


Do YOU like waffles?

I sure do. Thanks, rabid spleen-eating Tikiman!


flash stuff

This stuff is crazy. It really is.


vacation and tasties

1. I went on vacation.
2. get a graham cracker, marshmallows, and syrup. make a sandwhich with ’em. i bet it tastes good.
