Casino Royale Released

I went and saw the new Bond movie today, and despite the fact that it had a new actor as Bond, and payed no attention to some of the classic traditions of the Bond films, it was pretty good.

First of all, it doesn’t start with the revolver barrel-POV-shot like every single other Bond movie does, but it does explain where that actually comes from about 3 minutes into the movie, and then it shows it, so that tradition is partially upheld.

The second tradition smashed is the usage of the Bond Song. You know the one I mean. It’s used twice in the whole movie, at the very beginning and very end. Not cool, man. Not cool. That song needs to be weaved in every time Bond does something kickass.

The third tradition is the Girls. There are 2 girls in the whole movie (average number, yes), but one is a serious relationship (not that I’m promoting objectifying women or anything) and the other dies less than halfway through the movie. Actually, they both…nah, that’s a spoiler! 😀 But anyway, there’s very little action on the shallow-minded romantic front, which is a main theme of the Bond movies.

I must give them credit for the kick-ass parkour-style chase scene at the beginning. That ruled.

Oh and destroying that AM was not cool, guys. It did not deserve that death…

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One thought on “Casino Royale Released

  1. Philip says:

    Just saw it, the ending was Stupid: The Sequel. 😛

    === HERE BE SPOILERS!!! ===

    Yeah, i don’t think the girl should’ve died, specially since she like… killed herself? for no reason? oh well. Her eyeliner was scary anyways. 😛

    And the poker scenes were long.

    How do sixes beat eights?

    The Venice scene was awesome, too, but who stores compressed water (impossible) in huge tanks inside 500-year old adobe buildings?

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