Monthly Archives: August 2006

MTV Music Awards

Summary: Panic! at the Disco sucks live. It’s just true.

What’s with the Little Miss Sunshine thing?

Ugh, nevermind. I’m not reviewing this shit 😛


Mwahahahantis Parable

The Mantis Parable, the short film created by Josh Staub of Cyan Worlds, has finally been released through iTunes. It’s a charming story about a caterpillar and a praying mantis, the caterpillar being trapped in a jar and the mantis laughing at him. Quickly, their places are traded and the Mantis realizes his mistake. It has the amazing quality you can expect from Cyan Worlds, and a good story to go with it (too bad you can only get it in iPod size…).

Josh Staub, the Art Director at Cyan, alerted us to the release via the Uru Obsession forums, and when I responded the following was posted:
click me
Click the image to enlarge it

Kind words, Mr. Staub…but your job will be mine….

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The following is a rant for Spraxus

This rant is written for Spraxus, a rant-based website I’m helping to develop. It’s also very true. I reserve no copyright on this rant, but Sabretooth Software does.

Internet Explorer

IE (Internet Explorer) is the Internet Browser which is made by our beloved big brother, Microsoft. This browser is the empitome of security flaws, since it is tied directly into the Windows operating system. M$, it seems, was bent on making it extremely hard if not impossible to uninstall Internet Explorer from your computer, meaning that if someone just happens to find a flaw in the rock hard security features that make up Internet Explorer (a security flaw in IE, imagine that!), they’d have almost direct access to the system files for Windows.

All of this leads Microsoft to start developing IE 7, which comes with its own virus scanner. Woo-hoo, Microsoft. A virus scanner won’t fix your security issues. IE 7 will be released as a priority download, meaning everyone using Windows XP on the internet automatically downloads it. You don’t want IE 7 and its nasty lack of menubar? Too bad, you can’t downgrade from it. What was that I said? Oh yes. lack of menubar. They’ve rearranged the window entirely to make it “simpler,” while anyone who’s been using Windows for 5 years or more will be utterly lost when the go to the top of the window to get their options and find that they aren’t there.

On top of all this, Internet Explorer is not a true internet browser. It does not comply to the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP:// ?), which states that internet browsers should display web pages as what their content-type describes them as, among many other things. This means that if a page is marked as text, it should be displayed as text. If it’s marked as a jpg, it should be displayed as a jpg, not as text. Internet Explorer does not do this. It decides for itself what the pages it displays should be displayed as, meaning if it decides to show a .jpg as text, it’s going to show you it as text.

My favorite image format, the Portable Network Graphic, or .png, doesn’t display correctly in IE. They have no transparency, whereas on Firefox they support multiple layers of transparency, allowing for cool shadows and stuff. Also, the layout engine hardly manages any CSS at all. CSS is the language of templates and website design, meaning that many-a-page look very screwed up in IE. For an example, check out Look at it in Firefox and then in IE and you will see what I mean.

And IE7 hasn’t fixed this problem. It is 2% more CSS-compliant than IE6. Microsoft claims that if they fix IE now, it will break half the pages in the world. While this is probably true, those pages can be fixed in the name of progress. How long are we going to be expected to wait and stand by while Microsoft stalls progress?

My conclusion: IE is extremely inferior. Don’t upgrade to IE7, download Firefox or Opera, my two favorite browsers, instead.


Thank you Phil, you anti-alternative-spelling facist, you…

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Applegeeks – Crazy Cool

The Applegeeks home page has changed. It now shows the ‘power’ logo, but shattered, with 9.4.06 under it in gray. Very cool, very l33t. I guess we can expect a new look for the comic starting with #301. Can’t wait! 😀

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Pluto = Pwn’d

So long, Pluto. In a recent vote, some scientists decided that Pluto is not a planet, but a dwarf planet. OWND.

here‘s the BBC article.

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Home Again Home Again

Good news from Zibland. The ZSS Bunny has returned safely to her home port. There were (thankfully) no casualties as a result of the tragic 2 weeks the Bunny spent with no internet connection save for a few internet cafes. More posts to follow 🙂

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S.O.S = Save Our Ship. The Z.S.S. Bunny (Zib’s Service Ship) is stranded on a vacation with NO INTERNET CONNECTION! Our valiant crew is struggling back to shore, but it should take a week more to return to a WiFi zone!

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Mac Pro

The Apple Mac Pro, Apple Computer’s fastest computer to date, has been released. Quad 3 ghz Intel Xeon 64 bit processing. Up to 16gb of Ram. Up to 2tb of hard drive space. Enough PCI Express ports to power 8 monitors at once.

That’s beautiful.


And So, The AT-ST Was Born.

Ah yes, the All Terrain Scout Transport. The AT-ST. The chicken walker, as I called it when I was but a lad. And what a machine it was. Why I remember back in the day, the AT-ST was the hot new thing to kill rebels in. None of them new-fangled All Terrain Armored Transports….

Ok that’s enough of that. What I’m really writing about is that someone made one. It’s 3.4 meters (11.15 feet) tall, weighs about a ton, and can move at about 1.5 km/h (.93 mph). On top of all that, it shoots little foam balls out of it’s two side-mounted airguns! How awesome is that?

Sadly, they cost around $300,000, and only ship to Japan. Oh well, just another reason to move there.

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Vista Soda?!

You probably know about the next version of Windows, called Windows Vista, but did you know there’s a Windows Vista soda?

That’s not my image, I got it from Google Images. If it’s your image, leave a comment.

Yeah, I know. Wierd. Messed up. Why the hell does it need a soda?! If I come across some I’ll tell you how it tastes :P.

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