Monthly Archives: October 2005

Remote Control Works on Humans

Woah. Tres freaky….I WANT IT.

Edit: Added the URL


A tribute to Scott Fahlman

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
~23 years of emoticons!


Damn cool illusion

Wow. This illusion is pretty cool. It took about 5 seconds of staring at the crosshairs for the pink dots to dissapear, but once they did…wow. Go check it out…



Wheeeeeeeeee! Happyfuntime!
Seriously, folks. This thing is simple, but very cool. To get bomber mode, check the ‘Manic Mode!’ box, then hold down the tab button. W00t!



Wow. Found in Boston (somewhere, I guess), this is most definitely the largest jawbreaker candy I’ve ever seen. This thing is huge, man….

You don’t believe me? Ok here’s a picture:

Yes, that is a standard VHS tape next to it. And yes, that is a standard #2 pencil next to the VHS tape. Man, that’s crazy. It’s like something straight out of Ed, Edd, and Eddy…

Plus, I don’t know what to do with it. It won’t fit in my mouth… 😛



LOL. My second post about Nintendo today, but this one is mocking them. XD? What are they thinking? This is almost as bad as ‘Touching is good’ (ok, not that bad…but still!)

for those of you who are still taking up residence beneath a boulder, ‘XD’ is an emoticon. Basically, laughing your ass off. In this case, it’s a fitting title. 😛


The Revolution Controller

The Nintendo Revolution (for those of us taking up residence under boulders), is Nintendo’s next generation console (a rival to the PS3 and the Xbox 360), and is going to be released in 2006.

Whats causing the buzz is the controller. Nintendo has completely done away with the standard 2-legged controller that hardly varies at all from system to system. Instead, they have created a totally new design, which looks similar to your average TV remote. It includes 3 buttons, a trigger, a D-pad, start/select/home buttons, and (read) a 3d sensor. Yes, there is no joystick. Instead, the 3d sensor can detect where the controller is, in a 3d space. It’s like using a mouse on a computer, but it goes up and down as well.

For those old-schoolers, there’s also an attachment for the controller that adds a joystick. It is held in the other hand, and is connected by a wire to the main controller, resulting in something that resembles nunchucks (hence the name, the nunchuck attachment). The attachment also features two extra triggers (resembling the L1 and L2 buttons on a Gamecube controller, but I think they are called Z1 and Z2).

10 points for originality.
-5 points for the Nintendo DS slogan (touching is good).


Superhandz is a truely awesome website. It is all about ‘hand sportz’, including cup stacking, pen flipping, and coin and card flourishes. All of the above are very cool. My personal favorite movie on their site is the Kickass video. It’s awesome.


Rosh Hashanah

I’m Jewish, so today (and last night, and tonight) I’m celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Happy Rosh Hashanah!


A House

Click the link above to see the progression of a 3d house in still images.

The house was constructed in Blender 2.3.7 and rendered with YAFRAY.
