My Mac

Today I cleaned my Macbook Pro’s screen for the first time, a suprisingly fun and enriching experience. I visited the Apple store and on impulse bought a pack of iKlear travel thingies for $15, and tried them out at home. I discovered that what I considered to be my normal screen was actually covered in dust, fingerprints, and little spots from flecks of hyper cousins and others drooling over my computer. I can honestly say that my screen is now brighter and shinier (which actually means something with a glossy screen). It was very fun to watch the dust and fingerprints magically disappear…

On a more depressing note, Apple recently released Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook Pros, meaning yes….my computer is outdated. Oh well, I am usually running at less than 20% of my Core Duo’s full capacity (thats 20% on each core, meaning actually 40%…), I don’t know what I’d do with a 64 bit version of my computer…still, the new airport card would be nice, as well as the bigger hard drive and faster superdrive…


One thought on “My Mac

  1. Zib, did u get those dust cleaner…cuz we sure had fun with one of those 😛

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