Tag Archives: Religion

Chappy Chanukah

Tonight at sundown (or whenever we finish eating dinner ;)), the first of eight nights of Chanukah starts! I put up my wishlist a few weeks ago, for anyone who still needs to buy me a gift. That page will be kept up to date on stuff I want throughout the year. I’ll also post an up to date list of stuff I get for Chanukah.

Happy Holidays!

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Well, it’s Yom Kippur again, and being part Jewish I figured “what the hell, I’ll fast this year”. Well, now I’m paying the consequences. I’m really, really, freaking, hungry. Then again, DI is Muslim, and he’s in Ramadan right now. He’s been fasting for a week now, I think.

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Happy Holidays

Happy Rosh Hashannah to my fellow Jews out there, and Happy start-of-Ramadan (which is probably horribly misspelled) to all the Muslims out there! Christians…uh…happy Sunday. 🙂 Is it right to wish people a happy Ramadan? It’s like a month long tho…and the purpose is to know how poor people live, i guess…which is kind of depressing, so it’s not really a happy holiday, right? I don’t know, I’ll ask my Islam Expert about all that. Unless someone else thinks they can explain it better…

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I was in the car yesterday listening to Mike FM (We play everything), and one of my favorite bands came on, Panic! At the Disco. They have lots of songs about religion (catholicism, usually…though its just talking about it, not promoting it or putting it down), and the one which came on has the line:

Haven’t you people ever heard of closing a god damn door?!

Well, when the radio station played the song, every time they said the word “god” it was censored. They left “damn” in, but censored god. Why is that? God isn’t a swear. It’s just a religious word. What about the Atheists who like PATD? Won’t they be offended? God is just a religious idea. The FCC can’t charge for not censoring it, thats mixing government and religion.

Just like printing “In god we trust” on money, and having “Under god” in our pledge of alliegence, but thats another rant for another time.

Don’t censor god if you’re not going to censor damn. If you censor damn, you’re being overzealoused with the bleeper. 😛

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