Myst V on Intel Part Deux

Well I tried reinstalling Myst V on my Macbook Pro again, just for the hell of it. To my surprise, it actually worked. No patches, nothing, it just installed using Rosetta. This means, of course, that it is as slow as hell, and practically not worth playing. But still, it did install. Maybe it’s the 10.4.8 upgrade that did it. Who knows?

So yeah, if you haven’t tried to install Myst V since the jump to 10.4.8 from 4.7, try it now because I’m pretty sure it will work.

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One thought on “Myst V on Intel Part Deux

  1. […] Well, I had a craving to play Myst V again, after listening to the soundtrack a bit. This time around, the installer worked smoothly (if slowly, due to it running in rosetta mode), as opposed to Last Time… […]

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