Tag Archives: Books

Odd Error on Amazon

While looking at Stephan Martiniere’s book, Quantumscape, I noticed that the Book Description (under Editorial Reviews) is that for the behind-the-scenes book/dvd combo for Alien Vs. Predator: Survival of the Fittest

Book Description
Alien vs. Predator: Survival of the Fittest is the upcoming sequel to 2004’s Alien vs. Predator film. In this follow-up to the worldwide hit ALIEN VS. PREDATOR, the iconic monsters from two of the scariest film franchises ever, wage war in an American Midwestern town with the residents caught in the middle. Filming began in September 2006 in Vancouver. Tom Woodruff, Jr. and Alec Gillis from Amalgamated Dynamics (ADI), veterans of the first AVP and all the previous ALIEN sequels, will be handling the creature FX for the encore film as they did for the previous installments. ADI opens its doors to unveil the secrets of the creature design process behind two of the most frightening characters ever! From conception to fabrication and finishing, follow their talented crew in-studio and on location through this captivating book and accompanying creature FX DVD.

Odd. Very odd.

Update: I took a screenshot of the odd thing in case they fix it (I darkened the parts that don’t matter):

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Harry Potter 7 Released

Well, the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series is officially out. I’ve read it, took me maybe 7 hours. 759 pages, all very dark (well, maybe not the last 10 or so…), and very intriguing.

Yes, I was at the midnight madness gathering at Barnes & Noble. Yes, I had my computer. No, I couldn’t connect to the internet, so no, I had no live coverage for you. Sorry. 🙁

However, I did take this video while I was there (Yes, that’s me in a wizard hat :P):

Does anyone know who the dude with the video camera who briefly interviewed me is? If he’s some internet entity, I’d like to know 🙂

Oh and just because I said I would in the video, Matt’s blog can be found here (caution though, the bastard put a list of everyone who dies in the book on the front page).

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Harry Potter 7 Released (Tonight)

Tonight, at midnight, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows (the seventh and final book in the series) will be released. I’m going to my local Barnes & Nobles for the midnight madness party.

Yes, I will be wearing a wizard’s hat with a lightning bolt drawn on my forehead.

Yes, I will bring my computer and liveblog the event 😛

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Harry Potter 7 Title Announced

J.K. Rowling has hidden the title of Harry Potter 7 somewhere on her website, for you to find. I must say, I’m a little disappointed by it, but it does make some sense. There are a lot of rumors about this book, since it will have the responsibility of tying up all the loose ends of the series. Apparently, two main characters will die. Most people are betting on Harry and Voldemort, which makes some amount of sense, but I think it will be Snape and someone else. Whatever, we’ll find out when it’s released in 2007.

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