Harry Potter 7 Released

Well, the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series is officially out. I’ve read it, took me maybe 7 hours. 759 pages, all very dark (well, maybe not the last 10 or so…), and very intriguing.

Yes, I was at the midnight madness gathering at Barnes & Noble. Yes, I had my computer. No, I couldn’t connect to the internet, so no, I had no live coverage for you. Sorry. 🙁

However, I did take this video while I was there (Yes, that’s me in a wizard hat :P):

Does anyone know who the dude with the video camera who briefly interviewed me is? If he’s some internet entity, I’d like to know 🙂

Oh and just because I said I would in the video, Matt’s blog can be found here (caution though, the bastard put a list of everyone who dies in the book on the front page).

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