Harry Potter 7 Title Announced

J.K. Rowling has hidden the title of Harry Potter 7 somewhere on her website, for you to find. I must say, I’m a little disappointed by it, but it does make some sense. There are a lot of rumors about this book, since it will have the responsibility of tying up all the loose ends of the series. Apparently, two main characters will die. Most people are betting on Harry and Voldemort, which makes some amount of sense, but I think it will be Snape and someone else. Whatever, we’ll find out when it’s released in 2007.

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2 thoughts on “Harry Potter 7 Title Announced

  1. liquidsoap says:

    I think voldemort will definetly die so that she can tie up the series properly but i dont think he is included in the 2 ppl.About Harry dying, i think it is likely that so as to put a concrete end to the series without upsetting too many fans she will make him a ghost

  2. FrOz3nD says:

    I can’t wait for the book to come out !

    PS: Nice site mate

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