Oh, the Irony…

Yes, I am writing a third post about LittleBigPlanet. Yes, I promise I’ll keep it short. No, it’s not good news. I just unlocked a mini-game level in the game (no, I’m not quite finished yet, but I’m almost there) called “Spline Rider”. When I saw the title, I died a little on the inside, but when I loaded it up and found myself on a toboggan riding down an environment constructed completely of straight lines, I got angry.

Of course, the level is fun. It’s tricky to get the sled to balance right so you don’t flip over. However, this level is an exact replica of the extremely popular flash game, Line Rider (so popular, in fact, that it has been bastardized into a soulless console game). The hypocrisy is unbelievable, that Sony and MediaMolecule will remove fan-made levels that infringe on copyrights, while there is an official level obviously meant to emulate another commercial game.

On the plus side, I checked the published levels again, and I realized that the Mirror’s Edge and Tetris levels have not been removed (yet), so please, go play them while you still can. I sincerely hope that the Tetris level is not removed, because it is pure genius, and really fun.

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5 thoughts on “Oh, the Irony…

  1. Merijn says:


    The Last Guardian


  2. Merijn says:


    The Last Guardian


  3. Zib says:

    The Last Guardian looks interesting, but having never played another game by team ICO, I don’t really know what to expect. Also, last I heard, we don’t really know much about the game besides what was revealed in the E3 trailer.

    Should I be intersted in it?

  4. Merijn says:

    Play ICO.
    Play Shadow of the Colossus.
    Then decide.

    To my opinion:

  5. Merijn says:

    Play ICO.
    Play Shadow of the Colossus.
    Then decide.

    To my opinion:

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