Ultimatum to the Island Sherry

On this day, September the 24th of 2006, at 10:15 pm, I, the Benevolent Overlord of Zibland, declare my supreme rule over the Island Sherry (being located in Lake Superior, which shall hereby be known as Lake Zib, at a location of 46°40’24.72″N 84°43’30.02″W), and do hereby claim the island for the nation of Zibland. Any residents currently living on the Island Sherry are hereby warned that they should evacuate the island within one week of this Ultimatum, or they shall be faced with the Army of Zibland (consisting at the moment of a General and a Private and me). They are warned, however, that they will be given the option of becoming citizens of Zibland, and would not be forced to leave the island. Failure to comply with this order will result in being forcibly removed from the Island Sherry. Returning to the Zibland after being banished will result in up to 3 months in jail. You have until October the First to make your choice. WE MARCH ON THE 1ST!

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