International Space Station Renovations

If I’m to believe this video, then the renovations that the ISS is/was/will be undergoing are huge. Look at how they start off that video (which details the construction process of the additions), and then how they end it. The space station is gigantic by the end, more than twice as big as how it started off. And what’s with all the shifting of parts? Why don’t they add them on in the order they’re going to be in, instead of going all higgelty-piggelty (first time I’ve ever used that phrase) and end up having to move everything around before the end? Some of this stuff makes no sense to me…

Also, while we’re on the topic of the ISS, check out this picture. Be careful, it’s really, really big. That’s the sun, with the shillouette of the ISS being built on blocking a tiny, tiny bit.


2 thoughts on “International Space Station Renovations

  1. What’s next? They’re going to make a Death Star? Besides, how long is that going to take? 100 billion years? Humanity will be over by then!

    However, it is pretty cool 🙂

  2. Philip says:

    I’m sure there’s reasons, probably something to do with air pressure, or ventilation, or maybe some things snap in place that have to be in place for another thing to snap in place without killing something, but then that first part needs to be somewhere else for another thing to work and then finally where it belongs…


    Don’t worry, the engineers know what they’re doing :P.

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