Tag Archives: Friends

Au Sol (French Project)

Over the past 2-3 weeks, I’ve been working on a project for my French class with a friend of mine. The assignment was to do a research project on some aspect of Islam, particularly Islam in the former African French colonies (and even more specifically, Algeria). We elected to research the abuse of women in Muslim culture, and for the visual part of our presentation, we made this movie using a lot of clay, my computer, and iStopMotion 2:

The class absolutely loved it, and compared to the powerpoints everyone else was giving, I’d say our project was probably the most entertaining.

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Leopard Unboxing

Because Hannah asked for it, here‘s my gallery of the (somewhat uninteresting) unboxing and installation of Leopard.

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Leopard Unboxing

Because Hannah asked for it, here‘s my gallery of the (somewhat uninteresting) unboxing and installation of Leopard.

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Reflections on Windows OS Upon Recieving Invitation To Beta Test Trillian Astra (AKA Longest Post Title EVAR)

I was recently invited to join the Trillian Astra alpha test. Trillian was my favorite instant messaging program while I was a Windows user, and remained my favorite long after switching to Mac OS. So naturally, I was extremely excited to be invited to the testing cycle of the upcoming 4th major release of Trilly, called Astra.

However, upon launching it, I discovered that it is not really different from the 3rd version of Trillian, just a lot shinier (COUGH COUGH VISTA COUGH COUGH). Also, I remembered that I am almost never on my Windows partition any more, and getting Trillian again is pretty much pointless.

Not only that, I began to feel critical of Windows and Trillian as a whole, all over again. The interface just seems to clunky after the Mac experience. I tried customizing windows to be more like mac (I downloaded ObjectDock to obtain a dock for windows, and a Quicksilver ripoff duplicate -ish program to get that interface as well), but in the end the best I can get is a sad, deformed version of OS X. And trillian wasn’t the beautiful program I remembered, either.

The interface seemed so bland and complicated compared to Adium, which I used to hate with a passion. I remembered having a ton of fun with it, but using it now it just seems slow and packed with features I’m never going to use.

So basically, I’m giving away my Astra account to someone who will make better use of it, Matt. He’s a real Windows guy, and more power to him for that. We’ve had plenty of intellectual debates about the rival operating systems (“omg m$ windows sux” “no fag windows ftw, mac sux ass” “bill gates? more liek dollar bill gay-ts” and so on), but we’re still friends, so I’ll trust him with my Astra account. I bet it looks better on Vista anyway.

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I win

Hey look at me! I’m posting now and Matt isn’t! HAHAHA

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Spleen Archive – New Buttons

The Spleen Archives has made some snazzy new buttons, check ’em out:

Those are all custom buttons, which he made with Photoshop Fireworks CS3.

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Digital voice recorder?

Does anyone know of any digital voice recorders that can record somewhat high quality (meaning higher quality than a cell phone) audio files, and preferably cost less than $30? I’m making a podcast with one of my friends, and recording with my KRZR isn’t really cutting it anymore. The podcast is actually already on iTunes, check it out over here. The content is somewhat explicit, so no childs listening please.

So anyway, if you send us a link to a good recorder which meets the criteria above, and we decide to get that one, you get a free account to our (future) full quality, full access podcast (hooray!) 😀 For more information on this upcoming service, check out the episode entitled “Special The Second”. It explains our plans for the future in some amount of detail.

Oh, and keep in mind that we’re always joking. About basically everything.

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One thing to say.

I’ve been saying this to everyone online today, I might as well say it here too.







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Messing with Wiimotes

My friend Cutter has a Nintendo Wii, as you probably already know if you’ve been reading my blog for a while. Well over the weekend we discovered via the intertubes that you can connect a wiimote (the controller for the Wii) to a computer using bluetooth. So of course we got my computer and within an hour we were playing Contra III on an emulator using the wiimotes as controllers. We used DarwiinRemote to collect input from the controllers and map buttons and such (actually we ran two copies of it so we could use two wiimotes at once), and to get mouse capabilities we turned on the Wii (once the controllers were paired with my computer they couldn’t pair with the Wii, so it was controllerless, we just needed it to power the sensor bar) and put the sensor bar on my computer. Since my screen is way higher-res than Cutter’s old TV, the cursor was way more accurate:

Another thing we did was mess around with our Miis on my computer using some programs Cutter found. The main thing we did was back up the Miis and giver them all gold pants:

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Wiiview 2

Well, my friend Cutter just (as in, yesterday) got a Wii, so I got to play it for real. For real meaning no pressure from surrounding con crowd, and correctly set-up sensor bar. The experience was much better.

It could be that I was playing a different game each time, Wii Sports at the con and Warioware at Cutter’s house, but I had way more fun with Warioware. For those of you who haven’t experienced the…(how shall I put this)…unique experience that is Warioware, the game consists of extremely quick minigames (really quick, you have 5-10 seconds to finish each one). The games are very strange, everything from using the wiimote as a fly swatter to squish flies on the screen to a pump handle you have to move up and down to pop a balloon, to a finger you have to use to pick a virtual nose. It’s a very odd-sounding game, but trust me, you have to play it to understand.

There are different “forms” you are taught throughout the game, starting with the remote control form (which is just like holding a TV remote), then gaining umbrella form (holding the wiimote vertically, like an umbrella handle), to many more, such as handlebars, janitor (a broomstick), and the most outlandish being mohawk (where you hold it flat on your head, like a mohawk hairdo). As you learn these forms, more and more minigames involving these forms are unlocked, such as the hula hoop game (where you hold the wiimote at your side in ‘big cheese’ form, and pretend to hula hoop. This cannot be done correctly with any other form, or the guy on-screen doesn’t move. You have to be willing to embarrass yourself to play) or the balloon pumping game (which only works in ‘handlebar’ form, where you hold it like bike handlebars).

All in all, the game is extremely fun, whether you’re playing it yourself or watching others play (since you can laugh at them, despite the fact that you’ll be doing the exact same thing in a few minutes). The wiimote can be a bit unresponsive at times, but its usually just because we don’t have it pointing enough at the sensor bar. Cutter said he’ll figure out the best positioning for the bar, but I think some of it is just an inherent weakness in the Wii, since you’ll always be compelled to point it directly at the TV, or swing it away from the TV all together.

I can easily see the Wii becoming the king of the current generation of consoles.

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