Iron Man Released

The Iron Man movie came out yesterday, and it is quite possibly the best superhero movie I have ever seen. The only competition it might have would be Batman Begins, but even that seems cheesy and weird in comparison to the highly polished, well-built Iron Man movie. Any nerd will greatly appreciate the amount of gadgets in the film, and even if you get completely lost in the steady stream of geekspeak, the movie is really enjoyable. The action is awesome, without being too unbelievable, and the special effects are unbelievable. It really is completely seamless, as one would expect it to be. Even the comic relief provided by Tony Stark’s assistant robots is acceptable, given the sheer awesome of the movie.

There were two moments in the movie which made the fanboy in me flip out, because they were references to aspects of the Iron Man comics I had completely forgotten about. I haven’t read many Iron Man comics, so I’m not that well-versed in Iron Man lore, but I knew enough to recognize how awesome the references were.

Protip: Stay through the credits.

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