Monthly Archives: December 2006

Night 2 – Annoy-a-tron

Tonight I received a Thinkgeek Annoy-a-tron for Chanukah. It’s very evil and very fun. Just turn it on, select the sound (beep, high-pitched ringing, or alternating), and hide it. Mwahahahaa….Mwahahahahahahaaa…MWAHAHAHAHA! HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!annoy-a-tron
Click to enlarge!


Harry Potter 5 Trailer

The trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix has been released on It’s an alright trailer, and it gave me shivers at the end when the music started playing, which is how I tell if a trailer is good or not. It looks to be a good movie, but I’m guessing it’s going to have to be shaved down a ton from the book version, with its > 800 pages…

More trailer news: Epic Movie, from two of the six writers of Scary Movie. Looks really funny.


Night 1 – Cuddly death comes from above!

Tonight I got a Wee Ninja, courtesy of my parents from ThinkGeek. 😀

I’m naming him Akiba:
Akiba the Stuffed Ninja
Click to enlarge!


Chappy Chanukah

Tonight at sundown (or whenever we finish eating dinner ;)), the first of eight nights of Chanukah starts! I put up my wishlist a few weeks ago, for anyone who still needs to buy me a gift. That page will be kept up to date on stuff I want throughout the year. I’ll also post an up to date list of stuff I get for Chanukah.

Happy Holidays!

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Concerning Life (and stuff)

Sorry I haven’t been writing much lately, I’ve been pretty busy with school stuff and other things…I’ve become pretty obsessed with Facebook, and I’m on there a lot… I’m with my friends until around 5:45 every day, then get back just in time for dinner, then I have to do my homework and wind up with 2-3 hours of free time every day, so you can see why my post count has dropped a lot.

On a lighter note, I’ve registered Zibland with Nationstates, a cool virtual nation simulator. You register your nation, and it gives you a little questionnaire to determine your nation’s initial stats (Civil Rights, Economy, Political Freedom, etc.). Every day it gives you two new issues to decide on, whatever choice you make affects your nation’s stats. You can join regions, participate in the UN, and all that good stuff. There’s no war, though…So I like it better than Cybernations.

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Well, I finally found a playable Wii. I have to say, slightly disappointing. The nunchuck is way too light. The wiimote is too sensitive at times and not sensitive enough at other times. I must say though, once I got used to the weight and the sensitivity (and getting smacked in the arm by the lefty next to me), wii sports tennis was extremely fun. I sucked at it, yes, but that’s to be expected. I also enjoyed being completely rag-dolled in boxing. Since this was at my school’s anime con, we could only do multiplayer games, thus I have nothing to report on Twilight Princess. Oh well. Still, if you didn’t need to point the wiimote at the sensor bar and the nunchuck was a bit heavier, the wii would be basically perfect.

A word on graphical quality. Sure, the Wii is the most underpowered current-gen console, but what it lacks in power it makes up for in fun and innovation. The controls were very intuitive, I must say.

Update: My friend Cutter has informed me that the sensor bar was in fact set up incorrectly at the anime con, so you can disregard my above comments on the sensitivity issues, at least until I try the Wii his way…

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I’m watching Saturday Night Live right now, waiting for Tenacious D to appear, and I have to say…This show really sucks compared to the first 6 or 7 seasons, or even compared to 3 years ago. I love the fact that there are a bunch of actors I know on it (Keenan of Good Burger (the unfunny, fat one 😉 ), Andy of The Lonely Island, etc.), but that alone doesn’t make it comedy. I’m only watching because of Tenacious D.

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