Tag Archives: AnimeBoston

AnimeBoston 07 (Photos)

I’ve uploaded my photos to the Intertubes and made a Tabblo out of them. After deleting the really blurry ones and the duplicates, I really didn’t take that many photos…This is just a tiny taste of what was there. 🙂

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AnimeBoston 07 (After) (Not An Apology, GASP!)

So I had a great time at AnimeBoston today, the final day. I spent almost the whole day there hanging out with my friend-for-life Jamie and my anime club friend Joyce 🙂 Fun times. I didn’t buy much (I regret this. -.-), but what I did get is awesome:

  • 2 buttons from different ppl:
    schwag 1
    (The left is an Invader Zim pin from Snafu Comics, and the right is a Katamari “This is how I roll” pin from Staccato)
  • A tiny, scribbly sketch of Invader Zim (seeing a theme? I like Zim…) done for $1 by a woman who offered me a sketch and pocky for a dollar. I didn’t catch her name or website, so no link mystery lady! Sorry!
    schwag 2
  • And lastly (I told you I didn’t get much), an awesome shirt:
    schwag 3
    It says “Adobe ate my soul!” 🙂

All in all, it was a great con. Oh and here are the business cards I picked up, or those thrust upon me by girl-type artists (and some others) 🙂
And the back of the same:



And the back:


“I assure you, it’s a full color webcomic” <-must have heard this at least 7 times as I walked past that last guy's table... I shall post my (small amount of) pictures tomorrow! 😀

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AnimeBoston 07 (Apology #2)

Sorry, I didn’t go to AnimeBoston today. If you were looking for me, and couldn’t find me, I’m sorry! I’ll definitely be there tomorrow, though I probably won’t be wearing my awesome-tastic shirt, since I’ve worn it for a day and half now and it is probably not fit for public wearing…Oh well, the pinkish hair and big ‘ZIB REDLEKTAB’ badge make me stand out I guess 😛

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AnimeBoston 07 (Apology)

I forgot to bring my camera to the convention, so I’m a sad panda today. Oh well, I’ll bring it along tomorrow. I’ll be wearing my awesome Mooninite shirt!

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AnimeBoston 07 (Before)

I’ll be heading over to AnimeBoston later today, so if you see a guy wearing a Heartless shirt with pinkish/purplish/bluish hair and jeans, it’s probably me 🙂

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