A Winner is You! ('You' being anyone who uses the internet)

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said last wednesday that if he is elected to the presidency, he will reinstate Net Neutrality for his first year in office. If you don’t know about Net Neutrality, it is a movement to keep the internet a level playing field for everyone, meaning that internet service providers (AOL, Comcast, RCN, etc) cannot block access to certain websites and give faster access to others. If this were the case, big corporations would pay ISPs to have faster access to their websites, and access to websites that cannot not pay up would be blocked.

This is obviously something that any normal person using the internet does not want. It goes against the first amendment to the Constitution, and would make it very difficult for websites like Zibland to continue to operate, due to inability to pay for good service like a website the size of CNN.com would be able to do. Senator Obama is apparently a very strong supporter of Net Neutrality, just another reason we should all be voting for him tomorrow.

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