iPod Touch/iPhone Splash Screens

Today I finally got around to upgrading my iPod Touch to the newest firmware (2.0.2), using the newest version of PwnageTool. PwnageTool allows you to build your own custom firmware, meaning you can specify packages to pre-install, options to set by default, and you can also change the splash screens (for when the device turns on, and when it needs to be plugged into iTunes). This feature has particularly interested me in the past, and while I was looking around on the internet for inspiration I stumbled upon the good old Happy Mac from the days before OS X:

This immediately struck me as a great choice, so I crafted a boot screen:

The Happy Mac returns

You can download it as a PNG, as well as a restore screen I crafted with the old bomb icon from classical Mac OS (below), by clicking here

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One thought on “iPod Touch/iPhone Splash Screens

  1. Jim says:

    Is there a way to get the classic Mac OS logo startup screen to appear in Mac OS 10.4, and have the words “Mac OS X appear under the logo(vs. when it said Mac OS 9.2)?

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