iDay (Guess which phone comes out today?)

So yeah, in about an hour (here on the East Coast, at least…it’s being released at 6 PM local time) the iPhone will be unleashed upon the masses. Reports of what the lines are like are somewhat disappointing, the longest being The Cube in New York at about 200 people (The Cube is the 5th Ave. Apple store). There’s some buzz about who’s in line in different cities, for instance the Mayor of Philadelphia is waiting in line, fully decked in his rain poncho and a fold-out chair. The Woz is #1 in line wherever he is, and apparently there’s a troupe of circus people with a mini golf rig in line in San Fransisco (No, the prize is not an iPhone).

iTunes 7.3 was released earlier today, adding iPhone support, since it’ll be managed like an iPod…I took the liberty of constructing a paper iPhone which I think does justice to the real thing:

No, I’m not buying an iPhone, I can’t pull off $599 at the moment. Plus the data plan, and I’m completely screwed over. Oh well. I did take the liberty of laughing at each Sprint and Verizon store as I walked past them today to check out the line at our AT&T store. There was actually a little 5 person line outside it! 😀 Made me feel so cool.

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