Two Projects

I have many projects going at any given moment, but currently there are two that occupy most of my weekends. The first, and more important, I can’t say much about at this point, but there will be a lot of info about it when I finish in a few weeks.

The second project involves the iMac I recently acquired from my grandmother. It’s a Snow G3 600mhz slot-loading, with 256mb of ram. I have pretty much no use for it, since it’s running OS X 10.2 (10.3 is really the cut-off point for modern application compatibility), but rather than let the perfectly good 40gb hard drive go to waste, I’m looking for a way to use it for backups. I know I can use Intego Personal Backup X4 to periodically back up my stuff to it over my network, but I was also thinking about possibly attaching my external drive to it so I can access it from anywhere in the house. I haven’t decided on this yet though, I need to see if it suffers much of a speed hit first (or if it’s even possible). I’ve named the iMac Hestia, after the Greek Goddess of the hearth. It was the only name that really fit 🙂

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