Boot Camp 1.2 With Vista Support!

My biggest roadblock in providing a decent review of Windows Vista is the fact that I just don’t know what is a Vista problem and what is a problem from my lack of drivers (for the Mac hardware I’m running Vista on). Well, Apple released Boot Camp 1.2 today, which (among other updates such as audio, video, and iSight stuff) adds support for Windows Vista. I have no review just yet, since I’m still in the process of downloading it. For some reason the download page did not work in Firefox, it gave me that “thank you for downloading” message, but it never actully downloaded. So now I’m downloading it through Safari.

On a completely unrelated note, a huge thanks to Logan for recommending the Shapeshifter theme Eternal Aqua, I love it and I’m using it (in conjunction with the delicious message boxes of UNO) as my main theme. Thanks!

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