Uru For Mac Follow-up

Now that I have used Uru on Mac for a day or so, I’m writing a follow-up review. All in all, it’s much better than trying to deal with Vista on unsupported hardware, and it performs about the same as the windows client does, which is good. There is no noticable lag (I got a tiny bit in the hood, but it was momentary), link times were not extreme, downloads for ages are decent…They’re slightly faster than on Vista, actually…but again, my wifi card is not supported with Vista drivers yet so that could be the problem.

One annoyance though. It doesn’t do windowed mode. You have to run it full-screen, and you don’t have nearly all the resolutions the windows client does. I had to use 1280×800 (as opposed to the 1440×900 that is the native for my default monitor, or the 1650×1080 for my external), which isn’t horrible but it looks blurry. Oh well.

Also just a general Uru gripe, dual monitors are useless, you can only use the primary one. Which is annoying when your secondary is so much bigger (15″ vs 22″, 22″ wins). It’s even more annoying when said fullscreen app renders the secondary monitor useless, since it blacks it out too and doesn’t let the cursor go over it. Whatever.

All in all, Uru for Mac is a great thing, and a long-awaited development, I think (since Uru was the only Myst game not compatible with Mac, not counting the fact that it’s next to impossible to run any of them on Intel macs…). If it had windowed mode it would be perfect.

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One thought on “Uru For Mac Follow-up

  1. Toria says:

    YAY! Finally…. after years and years of waiting, Uru for the Mac is released for the masses. Now, let’s just hope that the servers can hold up, and not send people away muttering “this game stinks” 🙁 That’s my greatest fear at this point. That every time something new comes out, there is a horrible muck up of black screens, poor linking, crashing to desktop, etc. etc., that it’ll turn people right off. 🙁

    *Me crosses fingers people are patient*

    Glad to hear your experiences have been good, so far. 🙂

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