Uru For Mac

Well, it’s official now. In a few weeks, us Mac users will be able to play uru on our macs, provided they are Intel-based. There’s a mac beta right now, but it’s private (invitation only), so I haven’t gotten a chance to experience it yet, but I really can’t wait until I won’t have to reboot to use Uru…That will be awesome.

Also, Uru Live was officially launched (taken out of beta) on the 15th, and a new age called Eder Tsogahl should be released very very soon. Hooray hooray…

Edit: Kato is right, I just checked and Eder Tsogahl is indeed already out. Thanks, man.

Edit 2: Fine, the Mac client is supposed to be released ‘next’ week, meaning this week. Now stop bothering me Kato, and don’t say I didn’t tell you so when it is delayed 😉

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One thought on “Uru For Mac

  1. Eder Tsogahl came out over two days ago, on the 15th…

    Get your stuff straight, man. Misinformation is bad.

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