Windows Vista released to Consumers

Today Microsoft released the new version of their Windows Operating System, Windows Vista. I went with my friend Matt to pick up Ultimate Edition (he bought it, I don’t have that kind of money). I’m documenting it, and let’s just say it’s been an hour or so since we came back, and we haven’t gotten the installer started yet. Hmm. I wonder what that says about Vista? Just kidding. I’ll post the pictures when it’s fully installed.

Update: Almost 2.5 hours now, still no luck. We’re on the phone with the support person from Microsoft now…

Update 2: She sounds impressed that he built his own computer

Update 3: “You have to run the upgrade version by booting from the disc.” “I did.” *really long silence*

Update 4: Woot, It’s all installed now 🙂 He was running XP 32bit on a 64bit processor, and thus he was trying to upgrade to vista 64bit. Turns out that if you’re running XP 32, you have to upgrade to Vista 32, Vista 64 won’t work. Strange, but hey-it’s installed now.

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