Buggy Saint's Row, The Musical

While surfing the net tubes, I came across a very interesting page. I found it on cabel.name, a pretty cool blog in itself, but Cabel’s Buggy Saints Row is probably the coolest thing there.

What the guy did is he bought the game Saint’s Row, hoping for a good game. He got basically a Grand Theft Auto ripoff, filled to the brim with bugs. Really funny bugs. So Cabel got out his video camera and filmed said bugs, then added some extremely well-made music to the collected footage, to make a musical. It features 3 songs: “Where’s my f*cking car?!”, The car door song, and “What is this place?”.

I have to agree with a commenter on there, Cabel does win at the internet.

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One thought on “Buggy Saint's Row, The Musical

  1. Matt says:

    dude you messed up the cabel.name link (you entered in x.com or something and forgot the http:// part)

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