Package #1

Package #1 of 2 arrived today (Package #2 should be here within an hour), containing a 1-up Beanie and a Ninja Universal Remote. The hat is awesome, I love it very much. I intend to wear it to school tomorrow and forever and ever.

The remote is awesome too, but it can take a while to register with a TV the first time. After the first registration, it works almost as fast as a normal remote, up to about 10 feet away, from my testing. I can foresee it coming in handy during future visits to UNO’s or Chili’s…

I’ll post about package 2, which is even awesome-er, when it gets here.

Package 1
(Yes, that is a chalkboard wall behind me. I’ve had mine for 7 years now, HA!)


One thought on “Package #1

  1. Doris says:

    Cool! I didn’t know about universal remotes… Hmmm, so I guess you aren’t a sports nut or crazy about CNN.

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