RAWA and the Town Hall Delay

All you Uru fans out there know about the Town Hall meetings. They are meetings between the Myst/Uru fan community and members of Cyan Worlds or the DRC (D’ni Restoration Council, which is Cyan’s In-Character group and the focal point of the Uru Live storyline). There is currently a Town Hall meeting taking place on the D’mala shard in the Town Hall Neighborhood, with Rand Miller (one of the founders of Cyan Worlds and the current CEO, I think). This meeting was originally planned for yesterday, but RAWA (Richard A. Watson, another very influential and senior member of Cyan Worlds) posted the following on the official forums two or three days ago:

I’m very sorry to have to announce this, but something has come up and the Town Hall with Rand needs to be postponed by 24 hours. It will now be held on Tuesday, July 18, at 9am Cavern Time.

It’s postponed for a nice reason, and hopefully you’ll agree that it was worth the extra 24 hour wait.



This of course got everyone very excited, because we (being the community we are) automatically jump to conclusions and assume the best. Uru Live Beta is starting! However, now the meeting is going on and RAWA has posted this:

The “surprise” for tomorrow’s town hall is not going to happen tomorrow after all. Due to circumstances beyond Cyan’s control, the earliest it can happen will be late next week. The C.O. Meter will be knocked down a few notches to commiserate the delay.

Argh! Ok so we have to wait another week until we get out surprise. Oh well. Oh and the C.O. Meter is the Cautious Optimism Meter, which is what we Uru fans are supposed to have. Cautious optimism. Screw that, says I. I predicted the return of live, and even got the date for the announcment right. I’ve known that it would come back from the moment Cyan got back on their feet. I don’t have an ounce of Cautious Optimism in my blood, just full blown optimism. : D AND I’M PROUD OF IT!

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