Setting Up Eve

Eve is now a fully operatable machine. She’s been configured correctly, I’ve installed all my instant messengers (for all its features, Adium X lacks sufficient emoticons, it (like my arch-nemisis, GAIM) uses the standard for whatever client you’re messaging in. Oh well, I only use 😛 anyway.

My friend DI left me in charge of his computer while he’s away, and that includes his monitor. I did what any geek with an extra monitor would do, and rigged a dual-monitor setup. It’s great, except for a few hitches. One is placement. The monitor can only go as low as about 3 inches off the ground, so I turned it on its side to match better. Also, the monitor is actually smaller than my laptop screen (the laptop being 15.4 inches diagonally and the monitor only being 14), and has a lower resolution (my laptop screen is 1440×900 and the monitor is only 768×1024 (turned on its side)), resulting in strangely enlarged windows. Oh well, it’s still great.

As for the overheating problems with MacBooks of the Professional variety, so far I’ve only experienced minor overheating, nothing that makes it unusable, though. The caps lock key is annoying, though. It’s larger than is standard, I think, resulting in a lot of capital letters when I want A’s. Oh well, I’ll get used to it.

A few things I like about the computer are FrontRow and GarageBand. GB is one of the reasons I bought a mac, I love the ability to write music with little loops and clips of other instruments. I haven’t done anything phenominal yet, but I’m working. FrontRow was an added treat. It’s like going to the movie trailers page on, but without all the frivilous stuff. I haven’t tried watching any real movies yet or looking at photos, but I bet they’ll be just as good. The remote is awesome, I love it 🙂

The tiny camera at the top is remarkably high quality, and comes with some effects that are very nice, the distorts especially. Comic Life (which I hadn’t even heard of before) is very fun, it allows you to make comics and stuff, providing you with the boxes as well as speech bubbles that stretch and that kind of thing. Very nice.

That pretty much sums up everything I’ve done up to this point. Overall, a great buy. Well worth the money. 🙂

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