Holy Crap He’s A Fake!

Wow. Reading all these posts about the infamous PSP Fanboy/DS hater got me…frankly not that excited at all. I figured “hey, first amendment, right? He’s entitled to his own opinion.”

Well, then I found this movie. The dude completely contradicts himself. In other words, the PSP Fanboy is a fake. He fabricated both 12 minute long rants which are complete opposites.

Pretty smart, in my opinion. It provides a good look at the response of the community. The DS fans (read: fans, not fanboys…) are much more protective of their system than the PSP fans. Granted, the anti-PSP video was released 5 days after the DS, and only 3 days ago, but there has been no fanfare about it. Odd.

I’m not trying to make a point, merely conjecture. Pointless, I guess. This, of course, explains his lack of solid proof and the constant use of “look it up” in both rants. Now we can just guess what his real preference is. As for me, I’ll stick with the –This word removed to protect Zib– (tee hee)

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