Uru Live ‘Blue Sky’

On the Uru Live Website, under the in developement section, there’s that “Blue Skies” section. I like most of what I see, the vehicles, the guild system, etc. The guild system is a great idea, very much like the ancient D’ni society.

Then there’s the one I don’t understand. “Player mounts”? What are player mounts? I know the answer is lurking somewhere on the Uru Live forums, but I’m afraid to wade through the posts there looking for the answer, because of the fact that there are already over 4000.

Lastly, there’s the pets. Yes, I said pets. In Uru. That’s just over the top and completely uncalled for. If you want pets in a video game, play this, this, or this. Don’t pollute our great game with your furry poop machines, please.

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One thought on “Uru Live ‘Blue Sky’

  1. ironmagma says:

    hmm mountables are things that the user can mount on (like horses, cars, and stuff)

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