Parade of Goodnessosity

Well, today has had a few advances on the good front. Here’s what happened that was good, in chronological order:

  • I got on High Honors in school. This means all of my grades this term were in the A range (A-, A, or A+), and that my effort and behavior grades were 1’s (4 is the worst, 1 is the best).
  • A month ago, I took part in the National French Exam, a French comprehension test taken all over the country. Well today I got my score back, and I ranked 8th. In the country. I AM #8 IN THE WHOLE FRICKEN COUNTRY!
  • My friend TikiMatt got his name and a link on the front page of Docking Bay 101, one of the best Star Wars fan sites on the internet. Woot!

So yeah, great day. 😀
