Installing a New Drive

Ok I’m fed up with having only 40gb of storage space on my computer. I am constantly in a struggle to get space, and a “victory” is if I get 6gb. I haven’t seen 10gb of nothing on this computer for months. So now I’m going to install a new hard drive.

I have a drive lying around from my first server, Tomato 1. I got an extra IDE cable to put it in the computer. I’m all set to go, except for one thing that keeps bothering me. The Ubuntu and Uru server installed on that hard drive. I’m worried that it will do something to my hard drive already installed here, and that I won’t have my precious data anymore. 🙁

So here’s what I’m doing. I’m first backing up everything important (My Documents. :P) on a DVD. Then I’m gonna install the drive and pray. Wish me luck!
