What the humans have become

I think its time to write about culture. I think its a bit funny to look back at what humans used to be, and see how much we’ve progressed…And then sharply declined. I’ll start at the beginning:
Cavemen- primitive, lived out very short lives. Some tools.
Iron age- more tools, some religion. Lives still short, feudal system.
Ancient Rome- many tools, technological advancements. Democracy, medicine, longer lives. War.
Mideval- Lots of sickness, decline in medicine. Much religion, feudal/monarch system. More war
Reniassance- Advance in arts, religion, medicine- longer lives. Less war.
Colonial- Much more religion, a few wars. Lives are still short, medicine remains average.
70’s- Hippys! Woot! War. Lots-o-war.
Modern- Ok here we are. Obescity, video games. Computers. War over nothing. Dancing? Simply shuffling back and forth. Music is just people complaining about love, without any melody. Even the quality of our video games has declined, as proved by this poster.

I apologize for this post, I know it’s poorly written…but I’m tired. Deal with it. 😛


2 thoughts on “What the humans have become

  1. Anonymous says:

    not so anonymus yaz,

    well that was dumb…u only include europe in the middle.
    when europe got diseases the islam empire in the middle east create the first hospital with one of the best doctors of all time Avicenna….and that other guy invented algebra…..then in china…they invent paper, paper money, nd early seismograph….and in america the american indian uses the federal system…which is wut US is using right now…so just to let u kno…Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson copied the Indians….for modern society….u left out increase of poverty….and then the American Empire….downfall of communism….and the autrocratic republic of America…

  2. Phil says:

    Yeah you spelled medieval and obesity wrong, too.

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