The Principality of Sealand

The Principality of Sealand is an awesome place. It started as an abandoned WW2 British fortress, but has since been reoccupied and declared a country by Prince Roy of Sealand. They have a flag, a monetary system, stamps, passports, a national anthem…all of it! They have won two ‘wars’ (the first was against a UK navy ship, which left when fired upon, the second was an attempted invasion and kidnapping), and have a thriving buisness. It really is amazing, but the Principality of Sealand is its own country.


One thought on “The Principality of Sealand

  1. Anonymous says:

    its cool how these lil countries exist…..i mean its jus like a mile from the Brits…..did u kno that there is a country called Tonga…or Fiji (of course that became a mineral water brand)… uhhh… about USA have u heard of that…..or maybe Iraq…..or Bush….or new zealand…sorry this is just kinda spammey…sorry…


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