4 Years!

Today, in 2005, I wrote my first post on this blog. Basically a completely nonsensical post, simply a basic introduction for what eventually became this website. When that post was uploaded, this site was extremely different. Not only was it at a different url (mystotaku.blogspot.com), it looked entirely different, and even had a different title (Myst Otaku). The blog has been through a few different iterations since then. First, it moved to a different blogger site, with a different title – Love, Life and Linux, then eventually my tinkering broke the site entirely, and I migrated to wordpress. That site was extremely similar to this one, it even had the same title – A Series of Tubes. I eventually migrated here, where I plan to stay for a long time.

What ties all of these sites together is the actual content, which I have brought with me on each move, so I count this as the 4th birthday of my website, even though the title and url have changed many times since its inception.

Happy Birthday, Blog!

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