Myst V on Intel Part Trois

Well, I had a craving to play Myst V again, after listening to the soundtrack a bit. This time around, the installer worked smoothly (if slowly, due to it running in rosetta mode), as opposed to Last Time

The game itself ran much better than the first time, there have probably been some rosetta optimizations since 10.4.4 or whatever it was I was originally using. I ran at 1280×800 (1680×1050 caused too much lag to be usable, and 1440×900 didn’t work for some reason…) with low video and texture quality, and no shadows. Anti-aliasing I sometimes had up and sometimes down. For some reason, the tunnels showed absolutely no lag on full specs, but Laki was unbearable….Well, at least I got to play through it again 🙂

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