Monthly Archives: April 2007

How To Contact Me

I just got a suggestion that I make it easier to contact me, and I realized that I don’t have a contact me page. Well, now I do. Hooray for talking to Zib! 😀

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One thing to say.

I’ve been saying this to everyone online today, I might as well say it here too.







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Stripping the Words From a Cruzer 1gb USB Drive

I bought a Cruzer 1gb USB Drive a while back, since I really needed a USB drive. I liked it enough for a while, but the white writing on it was really ugly and the orange light isn’t the best color in the world, but I can’t (easily) change the light. What I could do was strip the words off of the drive though. I thought of a lot of different ways I could do this, but I asked my uncle and he recommended nail polish remover or gasoline. I didn’t have any gasoline on hand, so I used nail polish remover. After an hour or so of rubbing and some buffing with cardboard and buffing cloths, I have a really nice-looking USB drive. I wish I could make it shinier, I want a PS3-like finish on it, but I’ll settle for what I have. It does look really good I think:

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Messing with Wiimotes

My friend Cutter has a Nintendo Wii, as you probably already know if you’ve been reading my blog for a while. Well over the weekend we discovered via the intertubes that you can connect a wiimote (the controller for the Wii) to a computer using bluetooth. So of course we got my computer and within an hour we were playing Contra III on an emulator using the wiimotes as controllers. We used DarwiinRemote to collect input from the controllers and map buttons and such (actually we ran two copies of it so we could use two wiimotes at once), and to get mouse capabilities we turned on the Wii (once the controllers were paired with my computer they couldn’t pair with the Wii, so it was controllerless, we just needed it to power the sensor bar) and put the sensor bar on my computer. Since my screen is way higher-res than Cutter’s old TV, the cursor was way more accurate:

Another thing we did was mess around with our Miis on my computer using some programs Cutter found. The main thing we did was back up the Miis and giver them all gold pants:

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A Tear Shed For the Lost

This video makes me sad. The PS3 had such amazing potential, but it’s a huge failure. The insanely high cost, the crap games (worse than the Wii’s titles), the Blu-Ray player (which is probably what boosts the price up so high, the PS3 costs as much as the cheapest Blu-Ray player out there…), the insanely over-pumped specs (which make the console awesome, but really are unnecessary), and the little things (no rumbling controller…wtf?) make the PS3 a failure.

Sony, seriously. Take some time out, remove the Blu-ray, lower the specs a bit, and ditch your current games (since they’re all on blu-ray discs). I’d say selling consoles is more important than having the best-looking one out there. Seriously, removing the Blu-ray will lower the cost alone. And make it more popular.

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