Monthly Archives: February 2007

His Steveness hates DRM just like the rest of us.

His Steveness posted an article on DRM (Digital Rights Management, the thing that prevents you from putting digital music on multiple computers, or listening to iTunes-bought music on anything but an iPod) on the Apple website earlier today. He says that there are only 3 ways Apple can go with the DRM from here:

  • The DRM system remains the same,
  • Apple lets other companies license their DRM stuff (which would allow other mp3 players to play iTunes music)
  • or

  • The music industry abandons DRM completely
  • He (and most of us, I think) states that the third choice is the best, since it would free up music a lot. He calls for the 4 major recording companies to abandon their DRM, and then Apple will drop the iTunes DRM, which would be awesome. This is actually a gutsy move by Apple, since if they did drop their DRM, they would possibly lose some of the people they currently have locked into iTunes and the iPod if their music was playable by other software and players.

    I have one thing to say.


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    The Bomb/LED Ad Makers Speak!

    I came across a video of the press release given by the two guys responsible for making the Bombs/LED Boards I posted about not half an hour ago. Check it out here.

    I love the style and coolness they keep while avoiding any real questions and instead electing to discuss haircuts of the 70’s. Of course their lawyer has to step in and ruin the fun a bit, but oh well.

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    Boston Bomb Squad Can't Distinguish Between LED Boards and Bombs

    Earlier in the week, a bunch of LED Boards (a circuit board with Light Emitting Diodes placed in it to form a picture) were discovered spread all over Boston. They were shaped like the Mooninites from Aqua Teen Hunger Force:

    The Mooninites

    These boards were guerrilla ads for the upcoming ATHF Movie. What do you think happened when average civilians caught sight of these things hanging on the Green Monster, from bridges, and walls? They did what any average post-9/11 civilian would do, and immediately panicked. The bomb squad was called in to remove them, and they even detonated one to make sure it wasn’t a bomb (what, if it’s a little explosion then it wasn’t a bomb, if it is a big explosion it was?). The whole fiasco cost Boston $750,000. They arrested the man responsible for making the ads, and Mayor Menino is demanding that Turner Broadcasting (the company that commissioned the ads, and, coincidentally, also funds the revival of Uru Live) pay for all of the expenses.

    Personally, I find this ridiculous. Yes, maybe they should have notified someone that they were going to hang these things up, but calling in the whole bomb squad for these things is a bit of an overreaction. I don’t think Turner should pay any money to Boston, but that Boston should instruct its bomb squad and police force in the difference between a circuit board with lights in it and a bomb. Any slightly experienced techie would be able to see that these things are not bombs, and might even laugh, if they liked ATHF (which I don’t, but that’s beside the point).

    I’m disappointed, Boston.

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