Monthly Archives: May 2006

The Da Vinci Code

I just saw the DaVinci Code. It’s a very good movie, but I haven’t read the book so I’m not going to compare the two. The movie was very good, with tons of Dogmatic (I mean events and things that are similar to the movie Dogma, not like Christian dogma) facts and events. I love conspiracy theories like that, plus all the ‘Holy Grail’ lines inspired a fit of Monty Python-style hilarity (I saw it with my friends) including cameo shots of John Cleese, Eric Idle, and Graham Chapman and Frenchie jokes (the Frenchmen who blow their noses in the knights’ general direction). The plot itself was amazing, and Silas was amazingly intense and just suspenseful enough. The ending of the movie (don’t worry, no spoilers) was just as amazing as the rest, if not more so. The special effects were overall amazing, especially when he’s cracking the Cryptex code. Overall, probably a 8 out of 10, but I’m not good at rating movies, I just like whatever I saw last.

(By the way, my favorite movie is V for Vendetta, followed by The Matrix)

I’m going to see the movie again tomorrow, so I’ll try to write a real review if I can. 😉


The Return Of The King

*Sheds a tear of joy*

Oh my god, thank you. Uru Live is back. Or at least, it is set to be back this summer (in beta, back in full in fall/holiday season). It’s going to be so awesome, and I will not make the mistake I made before in not taking part in the phenomenon. It is such an amazing game that I’m amazed at how dense Ubisoft is for taking it down in the first game. But still, they just lost a ton of money for themselves now. If they had kept it up, look how much they could’ve made. In the first day there were over 200 people signed up for beta. That’s 200 people willing to pay $10 a month to play the game they shut down. $2000 a month, and that was only with the people who signed up on day one. The game is now being released through Gametap, but you don’t have to have Gametap to play, and it’s going to be available internationally. Heck, they might even port it to Mac! 😀

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The Wii

Well, Nintendo has chosen the name for their next-gen system (previously known as the Revolution). It’s going to be called…The Wii. The Nintendo Wii (pronounced like ‘we’) is set to be released in the 4th quarter of 2006 (this was revealed at E3). It features an innovative controller design (resembling a TV remote controll), and has the possibly most mocked name of all time. Oh well, I respect their decision.

Wii will change everything. Wii will start a Revolution.


Happy Star Wars III Day!

It’s Star Wars III day, May 19th. On this day in 2005, the greatest saga of all time was completed.
She was alive. I felt it. SHE WAS ALIVE. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo…
*cough cough*

Ok cool. The real Star Wars day is the 25th though. That’s when the original came out. Oh well.


Badger, badger, badger. (Mushroom, mushroom)

Holy llamagoats, Batman! Zib's back!
Yeah, I've decided to start blogging again. Not sure why I stopped in the first place. I can't use te excuse that I have nothing to say, because it just isn't true. So here's the deal. I'm going to post a lot of posts now, making up for all the time I missed. So this is the intro post, and then a lot more will follow.
