Monthly Archives: November 2006

Space Cadet 3D Pinball Scores?

Since a new version of Boot Camp has been released, I want to update my drivers on my Windows Partition (for iSight support, mic use, headphone jack, etc…) and I’d like to not have to reinstall Windows.

But in case installing the new drivers without reinstalling windows corrupts my windows installation, I’m backing up my important stuff (Uru saved games, Gametap stuff, etc.). The only thing I haven’t done yet is Space Cadet 3D Pinball. I’ve gotten some pretty good scores on this computer, and I’d like to back them up, but I can’t find the file where they’re stored. Does anyone else know?



Hooray, the Democrats completely OWNED that election! We have regained control of the Senate, the House, and we have the majority of governors as well! 😀

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