Monthly Archives: April 2006

The Right Band was wrong

Bush was right? Yeah, not so much. The Right Band was wrong.


Firefox Rant

Ok I know I’m usually “GO FIREFOX” and the like, but lately I just don’t know. Firefox has been going downhill for me since 1.5 was officially released. Since then, I’ve had to create 3 new accounts on account of the current one failing. First, Firefox simply wouldn’t open, and when it did it refused to load pages, and menus were entirely black, no text.

So I started a new account. That account worked fine until it started problems with updates. When I clicked a link from any app. other than Firefox, it would load a blank page with the green update logo up in the corner. When I clicked this, it said that there were no updates and returned me to the blank page with the update logo. By manually opening Firefox, it ran the updater and reported that there were no updates, then dropped me at the ‘Firefox is updated, don’t worry cuz u’ll never see this page again’ page, which is obviously bull since I saw that page every time I opened Firefox. So I tried disabling updates, which only made it worse because then I would always get a blank page with the update logo, but when I clicked it it said “updates have been disabled” and the menus wouldn’t work.

So I started a new account. This one has been working well until today. I load up firefox, and lo and behold: my theme and extensions are not there. I opened the menus to check, and they were still there; but none of them were actually doing anything. I’m typing this on a default Firefox. No extensions, no theme.

I must say, Firefox has let me down too many times, and I’m actually considering switching browsers. Does anyone know how to fix the problem I’m currently having in Firefox, or does any one have a suggestion for another browser? I have Opera, Mozilla, Netscape, AOL *shudder* (which I can’t use anyway), and the evil blue e. Don’t worry, I’m not switching to IE. I don’t like Firefox but I don’t intend on killing my computer. And don’t tell me about IE 7, because its worse than 6. No menu bar. No thanks.

Update: I followed Kevin’s advice, and now Firefox works perfectly! Thanks, Kevin! 🙂


The ELC Anemone

The ELC Anemone (which is also my trademark symbol) has gone through many stages.

First, it was a simple 3DS render:

(Click the images to enlarge)

No effects, no ray tracing.

Next came the simplistic render that was my header for so long:

I faded the edges with The Gimp to make it blend well with my blog, and I guess there’s some basic material on it.

Then there was the faux cell-shaded anemone:

I liked this one, but the varying line width annoyed me, plus I wanted something that looked a bit more professional.

I got that with the next variation, which has been my logo in many places.

This, of course, is the official ELC Anemone. It is the current logo for ELC, and is also my avatar in many places. It was only used in the header here briefly, because its size made it off-center.

The ELC Anemone was replaced by the newest anemone, the CLC Anemone:

This baby took a while to make, and it uses ray tracing and radosity. It’s inside a large sphere with red and orange splotches inside to create the explosion thing behind it. I really love the way it came out. It’s the logo for Completely Leet Chat, the next version of ELC.

Now, I leave you with the current image being used as the header here. It has an alpha channel, which makes the bg slightly transparent. Cool!


Help Cyan Bring Back Uru!

If you want to help Cyan bring back Uru Live then please post this on your blogs, as your friends and family to post it on their blogs…even if they have no intention of playing or even like the game, because through them it could spread to someone who does want to play.

Remember to have the advert link to

This is a way to spread the word about one of the best games in existence, a game that was shut down before it was given a chance to grow. A grass roots advertising effort to get the word out about Uru Live.


Obey the Beacon

At my school, there is a beacon. We call it The Beacon of Hope. It consists of 3 traffic cones (2 orange, 1 black) in a sandwich formation, placed on the highest point on the jungle gym. I am a keeper of the beacon, along with a few of my friends. It is our solemn duty to tend to the Beacon, and ensure it is always in its proper place.

You will obey the Beacon.
