Monthly Archives: March 2006

Holy Crap! Beauty!

The Final Fantasy XII opening movie is quite possibly the most beautifully rendered cgi clip I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of cgi stuff. It is just amazing. Now I just wish I could speak Japanese.


Pi Day

Today, being 3/14, is Pi Day. Happy Pi Day! (Pi is a number used to calculate the circumerence (or is it area?) of a circle, and is infinite. Off the top of my head, pi is 3.14159, but Wikipedia says that pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781
8766111959092164201989…) Coincidentally, today is also Albert Einstein‘s birthday, which is cool too.

In 9 years, at 9:26 and 53.58 seconds, it will be an even more precise Pi Day, but until then,


Unpimp Ze Auto

Ve Dub. This is the first in a series of anti-bling VW commercials which involve pimp’d cars getting smashed and destroyed, then being replaced with a nice, clean, VW. Plus it’s a geeky German guy doing the smashing. Ya ees goot.


Happy Birthday Me!

Yay! Happy birthday to me! 😀 I got a lot-o-loot, which I’ll post about later. First, I want to say that this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

…Now I have to practice for the speech contest. 😛



Wow this trailer looks AWESOME! I haven’t seen Xmen or X2, but I’ll see them just so I can see this. Lol.

Also, tomorrow’s my birth-day! =D



ROFL. Ok, I used to love Transformers, but this it just t0o cheesy for words. Seriously. I’VE GOT TO ATTEND AN INTERSTELLAR PEACE CONFERENCE. BUT UNTIL I RETURN, I LEAVE YOU WITH – THE TOUCH! I’LL BE BACK SOON TO TRANSFORM YOUR DAY INTO AN ADVENTURE! (not to mention the cheesy-beyond-belief song)



Hey everyone, I’m moving to a new URL. Http:// is my new home!

Also the blog is going to be renamed soon as well, “Myst Otaku” is getting boring…

I’m going to put a redirector here to point people over to zibr, as well as this message. This is my final post as!



ELC Public Release 1

Hey everyone! Gather round and uncle Zib will tell you a story. Once upon a time, there were only standard, big-company instant messengers. Small companies just didn’t make chat programs. Programs had almost no emoticons. Only 16! (*Gasp!*) But all that changed when ELC was released by Sabretooth Software. It was an open-source freeware chat client that supported plug-ins, emoticons, and all the standard chat client functions, but woah-hey! It was made by a two-man team! (*Gaspx2!*) The world and the way people saw chat programs was changed forever. Ok now uncle Zib is tired, story time’s over. Go home!


Romeo and Macintosh

I recently discovered that I want a Mac (Big surprise, a year ago I hated Mac and all that it was). I have my heart set on a dual core Intel mini. Last night, I decided to pull out the old Shakespear and modify it a bit to make sense here, and here’s what I came up with (by the way, this is the famous balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet, Scene 2 Act 2):

Romeo and Macintosh

O mac comp, mac comp, wherefore art thou a mac comp?
deny thy Jobs and refuse thy G4 processor,
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my computer,
and I’ll no longer be a ‘doze user.

Tis but thy manufacturer that is my enemy.
Thou art thyself, though not a mac.
What’s mac? It is nor processor, nor RAM, nor monitor, nor case, nor any other part belonging to a comp.
O, be some other brand!

What’s in a brand name?
That which we call a Dell
By any other name would suck as much.
So the mac mini would, were it not a mac called,
Retain that dear perfection which it owes
Without that title.
Mac mini, doff thy manufacturer,
And, for thy manufacturer, which is no part of thee,
Take all my desk space.

On the same note (at a different volume), here‘s a brilliant little movie poking Microsoft for its horrible package design. It’s great!
